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January 24, 2007



Haaah! These are great!
I collect weird transcription discs, so this one was right up my alley.
Thanks Otis!

Katya Oddio

AWESOME! Thank you Katie and Lea and Perrins Company. Thank you, Otis, too. Your mention of Lileks made me grin remembering his REGRETTABLE FOOD book [cherish it!], so I headed over to his site for a visit. I've had such a blast! What a marvelous wise-ass he is, and what an eye he has for detail.

The INTERIOR DESECRATIONS book is new to me, and I know just who is getting it for her birthday [Little Mrs. Paint Every Wall a Different "Southwest" Color].

Thank you so much for the reminder to visit that great site. There are several additions since I was there last. Katie's Kitchen was a lovely kitch backdrop for thumbing through his atrocious old cookbooks and my own.

So, come on over y'all! I'm baking Cardamon Cherry Nut Bread and having fun with coffee!


can you make this available for download?

pea hix

i used to have a record from the 50s called "mix along" which was like this, except it was all cocktail recipes. each track ended with a locked groove so the record wouldn't advance to the next recipe. my favorite recipe on it was the "gherkintini," though since i don't drink alcohol, i never tried out any of them.

Hear It Wow

I wouldn't try that Swiss Cocktail Rounds recipe unless you want to clear the room of guests. Deep-fried Corn Flakes? Really, now.

Phil Redmon

I made a mash-up of some of my favorite recipes on this record. Check it out:



scott s.

YAY!!! Otis is doing it again! I still have the 2003 365 days project on 3 CD's, and am collecting the the 2007 version again.

Here's what I would say is a lost piece of Radio Syndication History, likely from the early-mid 70's. very common to ship generic programs on vinyl to be run as daily features for the subscriber station. Series 9 certainly leads towards the fact she's been doing it for awhile. most of this stuff eventually gets thrown out into the trash, unless some packrat comes along and saves it. just cool to listen to.

I might add, that radio distribution today is even more disposable, given that syndicators and houses that distribute national ads have taken the mp3 route via website download or FTP, so something like this series can be deleted into oblivion, and not found by future generation, which is kind of sad. Still, it's great to find what we can.

Bill Taylor

I would have to say that this is my favorite album so far. It's just SO cheery!!

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