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January 28, 2007



Herb Alpert and Phil Spector were both alumni of Fairfax High. Wonder if any of these kids went on to fame?


I'd say Besame Mucho is the stand-out, myself. Very Morricone-ish.

Ron D

Gotta love that version of Popcorn!


Wow. That version of Popcorn is sure something. Thanks for posting it!


"Herb Alpert and Phil Spector were both alumni of Fairfax High"

as well as future Red Hot Chili Peppers. If this was recorded in the '70s, they actually might be on here.


I'm thinking that this is Fairfax HS in northern Virginia, not the one in LA that Spector, Alpert, and the Chilis attended. The back cover says it was recorded by a company in Arlington, VA.


Definitely Fairfax High School in Fairfax County, Virginia since my family (from Vienna, town a few miles over) has picked up quite a few of their marimba band records at local thrift stores.

Hear It Wow

I've got this same cover on a Walt Whitman Jr. High School Orchestra album. It must be stock art that could be customized. I wonder how many albums used it?

Katya Oddio

Leagues better than expected. Love it! Thanks!

Katya Oddio


:: several versions of Popcorn to stream or download

:: site dedicated to song


Yeah folks, this is definitely Fairfax High, Virginia (suburb of Washington DC. I graduated from there in 1973, most of the players on this recording in 74.

Rick Meyer

Definitely Fairfax High School in Fairfax, Va. and as far as I know none of the musicians listed (yes, that's me on guitar and banjo) have become famous. How bizarre to see this on the web 30 some years later.
I don't think I even have a copy of this...

mark caldine

I can't beleive that record has some interest after all these years. Maybe someone ought to transfer it to CD. Also, it seems like a FHS Marimba Band reunion is in order. I have dreamed of such an event for thirty five years. Maybe I should just arrange it myself.
Just doesn't seem like 35 years.

mark caldine

No. I'm not famous yet but have a long way to go and plenty of time. Where is Mary Naeher?


I played with Mark Caldine recently. Phenomenal!

Mary Naeher Wade

Mike Terpak, an old friend from the FHS band just sent me this link. It's kind of surreal to see this album and hear the music after all of these years. Being in the band was a blast and I had forgotten how good we were! Mark, nice to see that you remember me--I'm still in NoVa but put my mallets away a long time ago! Let me know if you decide to organize a reunion.

Marty Nelson

This group was such a big deal at the FHS. Matt Hynes took this group to music educator association conventions as I recall. He also would take this group on recruiting trips at the junior highs. The sound they got on popcorn was done by leaving the mallets on the keys after after playing the notes. Rick, Mark, and Mary- so cool to read your comments. You can get my email off the FHS Alumni data base for 1976.

School teacher

Besame Mucho is a great song of all times :))

Matt Hynes

Ye, I'm still alive but not doing any more arranging since I left Fairfax H.S (Va.) back in 1981.
It's not hard to take students like these to great heights when they have talent and a willingness to succeed. May God bless them all.

Dave Pentecost

Hey, I was in the Marimba Band from 65-68 and they were some of the best years in my musical life. Ten years later I visited Chiapas, Mexico for the first time, went over into Guatemala, and it all acame together. The birthplace of the marimba. Matt, thank you. I ended up building a home in the place where Perfidia was composed. dave.pentecost (at) gmail dot com And for the first few commenters - that was Fairfax, California. We were in Fairfax, Virginia. But we dug Alpert back then!

Matt Hynes

This is my second sign in just so I can hear from all my "old" students. Would love to hear from you!! E-mail [email protected].
I'll tell you who I have kept in touch with... Matt Hynes

Virginia Charnley Manzione

Great to see all these postings from former members of the marimba band - I still have my marimba, and will bring it to the reunion!! Just name the time and place! Given a little time, we might be able to recreate the sheet music too - let me know!

mark caldine

Anyone interested in a reunion? I have been thinking about that idea for as long as I can remember and we ought to make it happen. Mary Naeher! Remember you? Are you kidding? I had a crush on you for 4 years. I was afraid of rejection though so I never let anyone know. I was really disappointed when you skipped percussion ensemble and went to the reserve band.The group sounded great with you on lead marimba! Pick your mallets back up and get with the program! I still play a lot and teach on Sundays(after Church) Jack Spitz and I Jam once in a while. He plays vibes and piano as well as drums.Some of my fondest memories are being in that band and the folks I came to know as a result. Matt Hynes. God bless you and look for an E-mail from me. [email protected]

Barb Caretti Cassidy

Wow! A little late in seeing all of this correspondence. So great to read all of these memories and comments. We were great, weren't we! Mary,Mark,Martha,Bill,Jerry,Betty, Linda, June, Jim, Karen,Patty, Debra, David. Had to pull out the yearbook. If the reunion hasn't happened yet, let me know, would love to see everyone! I'm in Florida now but return to VA every Oct.
My email is [email protected]

Jerry Parrott

Okay, so I'm a little late learning about this page (what else is new?)... Bob Kincaid just told me about it on Facebook, and it's wonderful to find this music and so many old friends here 35 years later! A reunion would be so much fun, and in the interim it's great to reconnect via the web. (I can be found on Facebook.)

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