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January 30, 2007



Im new to 365 Days Project and even newer to the fabulous phenomenon of Industrial Musicals. Who would have guessed that music could have been written in honor of meat plastic wrap(?) The 60s were really innocent times. Thanks for rescuing this gem and sharing it. And plese post more Industrial Musicals. Love 'em!

Maureen Lee

I could listen to music like this forever. yes it's weird, but it's also quaint and mannered. These days such a record would have a strong hip hop beat and repetitive rap lyrics and might end up being bombastic. This Goodyear record is almost a thing of innocence. Something we need in this day and age


"Wrap her Prime Wrap and she'll cooperate!" Wow. A thing of its time, for sure. Thanks for unearthing and sharing such rarity!

Rumple Stiltskin

Wow! Prime Wrap is better than ACID!!!

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