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January 05, 2007



I own this premium. It's terrific: Monica's picks, Steinski's mix. Posting it here makes me miss Monica's Friday show even more. I'm pining for her return. I hope she does not delay.

Station Manager Ken

Michael and other Monica fans - Monica will be doing her old slot as a fill-in for Scott, next Friday, January 12th '07 from Noon to 3pm.



Oh man, and I thought Christmas was over! If you guys keep it up, I'm gonna need a day off just to roll around, sonically speaking, in all this.


Can you please post the tracks used for that fabulous medley?!!

El Diablo

Hello. Seems somebody asked back in Jan. 07 for the track listing for Feelin' Bitchy medley which was fabulous, and still there hasn't been a reply. What's up with that? Trying to dishearten the fans eh? Well, it's not gonna work. We still want to know. There are some great great cuts in that medley that deserve a full listening to, so please Monica, or her minions, would you grace us with some answers. Many thanks ahead! J in LA


what are you all toalking about. Vera Hamilton. Chewn, chewn, chewn. thank for bringing music to the masses. pure


very good


#7 is incorrect. It says "Hair Dressin Women by Big Maybelle" but I found the Big Maybelle tune on Youtube here:

Can somebody find out what the correct tune is?

Many thanks.

Amateur Video Blog

Marlena Shaw "Yu-Ma/Go Away Little Boy" is a great track

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