Could Fox TV be in for the FCC's first $325,000 language fine? Yes, if the Parent's Television Council has its way. During the coverage of an NFL playoff game between the Philadelphia Eagles and the New Orleans Saints, a camera lens came to rest on a fan with a "Fuck Da Eagles" T-shirt, and the PTC is up in arms: youtube link of the Fox shot.
As PTC put it on a urgent action call to its members, "Fox deliberately displays the 'f-word' during prime time football game." A crowd shot lingered for about five seconds on a female football fan wearing a t-shirt that said "F*** DA EAGLES." PTC said, "There can be no doubt that this was an intentional airing of patently offensive language on the public airwaves, as the person wearing the profane t-shirt was culled by Fox Network's broadcast crew from more than 70,000 spectators in the stadium. The camera operator selected that particular woman and the director and/or producers of the event made an affirmative and conscious decision to air the shot from that particular camera, forcing the f-word into millions of homes. Furthermore, the v-chip would not and could not have protected children and families from the type of content evidenced here." Fox apologized, saying, "The shot was inadvertent and unintentional and we apologize."
via RBR
Posted by: some young children singing river man | January 18, 2007 at 03:03 PM
Thank GOD they caught that and gave it a great deal of publicity, otherwise I would have not known to be offended.
Posted by: Nicholas | January 18, 2007 at 03:51 PM
And on top of that, it is immoral to want to fuck da national bird.
Somebody should be fired.
Posted by: ___ | January 18, 2007 at 06:02 PM
i say the word fuck should be worn on all shirts when attending TV broadcast events. giant rubber penises should be brought along as well
Posted by: lee | January 18, 2007 at 06:25 PM
I say bring large polyethylene vulvas to national sporting events too. Why discriminate?
Posted by: Krys O. | January 19, 2007 at 08:42 AM
At the very least she spelled "da" correctly... However, if this is the caliber of white people in New Orleans--then I second Mayor Nagen's motion to convert a post-Katrina Crescent City into his "Chocolate City" ideal.
Posted by: Jude | January 19, 2007 at 10:46 AM
what's wrong with you comedy central people? WHO WON THE GODDAM PLAYOFF GAME??
Posted by: m007e | January 19, 2007 at 11:07 AM
Oh man, you didn't hear?? The superdome roof, y' collapsed! I don't think they finished the game.
Posted by: Jude | January 19, 2007 at 01:44 PM
The puritanical bullshit needs to stop.
Nipples are considered evil and even some tribal documentaries are getting genitals+nipples blurred out. Jesus fucking christ, enough already. I think it's time the Jesus lovers have to pay for their own purified bullshit TV free of anything offensive (except their violent god and blood of jesus shit which seems to give them a circular golden halo erection) to them and let the rest of us fucking be. The same moralistic cock suckers that thumb their nose and squawk like a fucking perturbed seagull need to be told their place. The days of the Bible thumping majority are being out bred by intelligent people.
The same people who tell others to stop cussing and stop doing everything that jesus hates are usually the same ones hiding under a blanket and sucking off a banana or carrot before sliding it somewhere else.
And fuck your violent god who killed more people than Lucifer ever did.
Posted by: Jenny | January 20, 2007 at 12:25 AM
Fuck Da PTC and the FCC too.
Posted by: Rory Murray | January 21, 2007 at 01:41 PM
Land of the free...
Posted by: Rufus Lupus | January 22, 2007 at 01:29 AM