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February 21, 2007



I became a regular reader and then subscriber to Details in the early 90's. I even had a letter published in it before it totally went downhill. I also knew an mildly Autistic guy in college who had a letter published in it as well...he ranted about how insanely brilliant Wild Palms was. I think he was the only person I knew who actually claimed to "get" that comic.

paul brunett

I have (somewhere) a Details magazine that Stephen gave me that had a pull-out board game called "After Hours" in it.

The magazine had a blank brown paper cover and the game included little "tear out" things like; "vice", "friends", etc..

Some of the spaces were like; "Police raid club, lose turn"

It was so cool. Wondering if anyone out there is familiar with it.


paul brunett

I have (somewhere) a Details magazine that Stephen gave me that had a pull-out board game called "After Hours" in it.

The magazine had a blank brown paper cover and the game included little "tear out" things like; "vice", "friends", etc..

Some of the spaces were like; "Police raid club, lose turn"

It was so cool. Wondering if anyone out there is familiar with it.


John Kelly

this is great. I worked in the art department of Details from 1987 until we all go fired by Conde Nast in 1990. It was a wonderful crazy time. Miss it, miss NYC in the 80s.

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