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February 27, 2007



Debbie, you totally have a secret Mojo archive, don't you? Unleash it on the world!! Please!


Yes, more Mojo! More Mojo!



It is great to hear the Mojo's voice again. There was a rumor he would be returning to radio on XM. Please post more Electrifying Mojo, especially if you have the 10:00pm Landing of the Mothership...

“If you get to the end of your rope… tie a knot and keep on hanging.”


Here's a musical tribute to Electrifying Mojo:

dj boogiedown

i am looking for audio of The Electrifying Mojo Especially from the Mix-a-Dome dj Contest in 1986-87 or midnight funk association "call to order"


Was there any luck with the MFA call to order sound byte? I would love to hear it again!!


There is a sizeable group of us looking for 1) electrifying mojo and 2) the opportunity to meet Charles Johnson. Can anyone help?

Detroit Wants It's Mojo Back

I found this page by searching for some information on the One and Only Electrifying Mojo. I need the help of some people who truly know their Mojo. For several weeks now, I could swear I've been hearing Mojo on 105.9 on Saturday nights from 7pm - 12 midnight, the only problem is the DJ never says anything and doesn't answer the phone so I can't say with 100% assurance that it's him.

I began posting about this on A Prince fan site that I frequent and know that a lot of Detroit Mojo fans hang out there also and I know Mojo knows about because we had a chat with him a couple of years ago that was organized by members of the site. We've gathered now for the last few Saturday's to listen and no one is telling me that I'm completely crazy and there's no way it's Mojo. That's the good news.

This past Labor Day weekend 105.9 kicked off their new format with a big funk bash complete with guest DJ's Wax Tax'n Dre and Gary Chandler. We were posting like crazy saying which songs we'd know it was Mojo if we heard. That Saturday we heard Sugar Walls by Sheena Easton along with a mix of 12" versions of State Of Shock by The Jacksons, Rain Forest by Paul Hardcastle, and When Doves Cry by Prince that was so superbly Mojo, it had me screaming Mojo in my living room! I managed to record about an hour of the days set. If you'd like to hear it, let me know.

On Monday, I was posting about this again because it just kept bothering me that I kept feeling Mojo's presence but he wasn't talking and the radio station wasn't even acknowledging him as the DJ everyone should have remembered was the only one who would play any of the stuff that they've now changed their new format to. I listed Mesopotamia by the B52's as the one song that if I heard I'd be calling the station.

Well, at 6:15 that evening, I heard Mesopotamia B52's followed by Flame Thrower J Geils Band, another song I was too busy screaming to remember but it had the lyrics: the message is in the music, Automatic Prince, DinDaaDaa George Krantz, Erotic City Prince, Cool The Time, Haven't You Heard Patrice Rushen, When Doves Cry Prince and Uptown Prince, in that order! I just knew that had to be Mojo. So I called the station. Lady BG the afternoon host answered and I asked if Mojo was there and she hung up on me. However, she did remark about my comment as soon as the song ended and did mention Mojo but only to say that "we" 105.9 must be throwing down.

I've chatted with people all week about this because I just can't let it ago. I called the station again on Friday and spoke to Tune Up Man who actually played my comment on the air minus the Mojo part. They also started announcing that they had a surprise for Detroit today Monday at 5pm. They were saying that "Someone we all know was joining 105.9 at 5 and our drive home would never be the same. So I was gearing up for them to let the cat out of the bag and say that Mojo was there. This morning Tune Up Man announced that he was waiting for "Charles" to call, I was really stoked then because everyone knows Mojo's first name is Charles, then he teases and says Charles Hicks, my mouth hit the floor! Who the heck cares about Charles Hicks enough that it garnered an announcement for the whole weekend.

I don't know for sure what is going on down there but I do know from our chat a couple of years ago that Mojo...that is Charles Johnson was working in the city as a Program Director for a local station so

Here's my theory...

Mojo(Charles Johnson) being Program Director, put out the idea of doing the funk thing to turn around the station, which was loosing drastically to 92.3 in EVERY time slot except 6am-10am when they play the Tom Joyner Morning Show.

They were testing his theory on Saturday nights, which is what I was hearing for the last few weeks. He's got some kind of gag order because he hasn't said a word and WON'T ANSWER THE PHONE!!!! I think that is because 105.9 knows that if Mojo said one word, he'd shut the city down. We'd know his voice instantly and it'd be all about Mojo instead of 105.9! So he's only been able to get his message across the best way he knows how, through the songs and he's trying hard!

Especially during this past weekend, when 105.9 had this big funk fest with it's guest DJ's. Mojo did everything in his power without saying a word to let us KNOW that he was down there. He's been watching this board, there isn't another soul down there that would know what the heck a is!

When he played Mesopotamia last Monday, he did that because he knew we'd know that was him! Mesopotamia has not been on any radio station's set list in 20 years!

I don't know if there's anything we can do about it but I know what I feel. I listened to Mojo every single night he was on until he wasn't on anymore. I know his style and I know I've been feeling it more and more lately. I've even started a myspace page on the subject I'm very serious and committed to find out if 105.9 is trying to do Mojo wrong and if they are I will not stand for it and I sincerely hope no one else that claims to love Mojo would either!

I'll bookmark this page and check it for replies.

Detroit Wants It's Mojo Back

Well to update on my last comment...according to WaxTax N' Dre (whom I got in touch with and asked personally) that was him during the Labor Day Funk Fest on 105.9 playing things he remembers from his days of listening to Mojo.

Since all of this started a friend of mine that read my posts on another board named DJ Butcher remembered that he had boxes of tapes he recorded of Mojo and The Wizard. He gave them to and together they've remastered them as best they could and they've begun playing them during a segment called "Alien Transmissions from the Butcher's Vault" every Friday from 10p - 1a EST. They have over 30 hours of Mojo and The Wizard doing their thing on Detroit Radio the way we haven't heard in years.

It may not be Mojo LIVE on the air but it's as close as we could get until he one day decides he misses being on the air as much as we miss him on the air.

If you miss Mojo as much as I do, treat yourself to some vintage Mojo by tuning in.

Wallace Wells

I simply love The Electrifying MOJO. I grew up on him as a teeanger in the heart of Detroit while attending Chadsey. He represented a lost time of innocence that just cant seem to ever come back. I knew even back then that I should be recording this stuff. I recorded 3 maybe 4 scant offerings that were lost or stolen a week or two later.

Much like a lot of things, you don't appreciate something till its gone. That time as well as that time on the radio was a great time. The mastermixes he conducted was fantastic. It inspired me to do a lil something for a few months. But he was the master and my radio shack 1 speaker recorder with the broke knob was depressingly holding me back from my greatness.

Alas once leaving for the Marine Corps in 85 after graduating Southwestern and being dumped by my girl a few days before departure. Detroit had changed. The Wizard was taking over and although damn damn damn good,,, HE WAS NO MOJO.

Mojo was a rare commodity and was pissed off and you never knew if he would forgive Detroit and come back on the air. You just knew if he did it was going to be his way.

I like his vision for the mothership, as I was really into science fiction and so he could do no wrong. The increase build up and then the planet rock coming in with the fuuuuuullll mixxy mixxy,,, Magic. It almost brings man tears to my eyes.

I am a webdeveloper currently and have penned several DJ sites recently and all pay homage to the man, the myth, the legend that is all MOJO..

Much love, and respect to a great inspirational, perfect radio voice.

Bill Lee

If you see or hear from the Electrifying ONE, please have him contact me at the above e-mail!!!!!


i heard mojo in indiana in 2001, haven't heard nothing since, don't have a clue where he could be now. if u hear anything let me know. thanks

Tom G

Oh my god. Is this the same guy as J & H Productions?

DJ Detroit Butcher

I've recieved ten 90 minute tapes of Mojo and Wizard sets, dating from 1981 to 1988, and will begin airing them this Friday night at 2am EST.

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