Jason Elbogen stumbled across this surreal blog post which seems to pertain to WFMU. Either that, or it's been randomly generated by the same computer that writes all that nonsense spam. It's a regular Turing test! Was it written by an insane human, or a computer? No matter, when it includes gems like this:
"Listen to download and the online and live shows. for Google
Record audio or Strategic Petroleum Reserve. With three amazing films
to Spazz on WFMU, from Jan 25, 2007."
It was posted January 28th, under the heading, "Audio Typing - Work from Home and Movie stops when hidden in firefox" on the blog known as "Real estate career For a confidential and picture POKEMONS are real!" Here is our love ode, as it were, in its entirery:
"Radio stream some audio broadcaster or cards that are instructions for Windows Mobile devices a file for converting audio and live guides Create your cell Play the Record audio typing skills, then sing the record button in IE the software allows you can be the best audio to Realaudio audio archive from Reggae Schoolroom with R. Lim on WFMU, from Jan 21, 2007. Listen to take over the House and full text transcripts, More content Sources added often so stay tuned.
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This is a quality product, like its hidden, bad sounding voice recorder found in the producer wants me to Realaudio audio like Amazon music sample. Rhapsody & share it is a national ID card. Subject: Codec Error for use it might be loaded on WFMU, from Jan 24, 2007. Listen to Realaudio audio archive from Jan 26, 2007. Listen to Realaudio audio archive from Jan 20, 2007. Listen to Realaudio audio archive from Jan 2007 at 20:39. Carla Bozulich Evangelista Evangelista I Real Audio. The method for me. I am more than anything Timbaland has just frigging ruled. Scott Bourne was way ahead of our 38th. Summary: Real time website for the infamous desktop counterpart, the iPod,. A yo, i got an offer from the record button in town Geo Gigadial Audio files from Jason Elbogen’s show on WFMU, from Bill Zurat’s show on WFMU, from Jan 21, 2007. Listen to Realaudio audio archive from Jan 21, 2007. Listen to stream formats. RealPlayer which allows you can open the pieces and offline real things with Jeff Sarge on WFMU, from Jan 26, 2007 5:49 am giving user an option to standard mp3s. It provides a special web applet and the Real ID card, which, they insist, isn’t really a demo for use a Cingular Samsung Sync phone & share it does require the Real ID card, which, they don’t seem to Realaudio audio archive from Jan 21, 2007. Listen to get rich quick, often so stay tuned. Technorati Tags: President Bush and full links, other content, and real world thru your favorite band with Kevin Nutt on WFMU, from Stan’s show on WFMU, from Jan 20, 2007. Listen to Realaudio audio and selling real estate I did not like Audio Trendalicious Audio Trendalicious Tag Tourfilter Play songs from Hatch’s show on WFMU, from Jan 26, 2007. Listen to the real estate, but most importantly, no video players the Resco Audio recorder, In this case, you can play real audio archive from Coffee Break For Heroes & Villains with some doozies, and I get a real audio archive from Music to work just published a searchable database of office and real player which allows users to his name fine and Undertow so stay tuned.