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February 05, 2007



Wow. At first I thought there was something wrong with this audio file. Then I realized there was something wrong with the folks who created it. I find myself teetering between just barely being able to tolerate it and not being able to stop listening to it. BTW, were any of the E.E.E. records you received by Light Shall Prevail? They're the only HUBM (Holy Unblack Metal) band I'm really familiar with. If anyone is interested, there are some MP3 clips of LSP located here: They're pretty much on par with the most other UBM (Unholy Black Metal) bands out there...


I believe the guy behind EEE is also Light Shall Prevail. tUMULt is going to do a retrospective of the label at some point for what I am told.


so when does this group doueh record actually get released? I couldn't find it on any record store websites or anything like that.


The Wold track is amazing, totally necro

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