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February 25, 2007


joe nathan

definitely a splog but wonderfully unhinged!


Without trying to diminish the validity of the love clearly expressed within these texts, I gotta tell you, this is a splog.

Worth noting, however, that whoever owns must've gone through & cleared out some of the splogs, as this one not only doesn't seem to exist anymore, but is in fact available; maybe you should claim it & restore it to its former glory:

POKEMONS are real!


"selling real estate, I did not like Audio Trendalicious Audio"

gotta love it!

Consumer K

Seem awfully similar to the output of a program called travesty. See example and explination here:


Uhhhhh I feel like knowing about splogs was information i could have been without. Seriously, if you are going to waste your life at least do it with style.


Way to stick it to people who know about splogs, Cheerios. You have inspired me to waste my life with so much style that people's eyes are going to sting from watching me. Starting tomorrow!

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