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March 06, 2007



At the moment I can't find my glasses to help me locate my earhorn, but I could swear that chipmunk is saying
"Break it! Break it! Break it! Break It!" not "Shake it!"........

pea hix

i want to hear more from this record!! unless the rest of it sux...

Mr Horsey, from Sydney

This is actually quite strangely wonderful. While it definitely reminds me of the Chipmunks, it also reminds me of Tortoise. Post-rock, but with zesty goodness.

joe nathan

holy shit--THE MOTHERLODE!!!! i am going to blow a load right now.


The cover for this record is wonderful - the fascinating this is that they were able to print it at all, what with all the black space. thanks

Hear It Wow

I'm pretty sure it's "Break it!" too, and that might be Gleneil offering some advice to anyone listening to the record. This is the first thing I've ever played that frightened my cat out of the room.

Vic Perry

And yet the chipmunk sounds oddly relaxed too, for a chipmunk.


I agree, more needs to be posted from tis record. This music has me completely transfixed right now.


Ah yes! This one from the Great Ganja Famine of '85, Rasta had to substitute helium for herb it is written.

Spencer Owen

More Gleneil! More!!

I really loved this. Who is "Ito"?

michael farris

More! More! More! More! More! More! More!

Grandpa Scorpion

Gleneil ... Roseman?

Xikita Bakana

This is satanic music at its best!

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