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March 21, 2007


Scott Mercer

Oh yeah! As a New Jerseyan for the first 18 years of my life, this had a smile plastered on my face throughout. Everything about this is so lovably retrograde, (1940's I'd say) from the jaunty, sub Glen Miller instrumentation, to the slow-tempo breakdown leading into the final refrain, I had to love it. Was she trying to imitate Dinah Shore or what? There's a definite Big Band with Featured Vocalist model going on here. Fantastic stuff.

tony c

Instantly likable. Eternally memorable. Anthem material.

I declare it the Official Sawng of the Garden State. Take that, Springsteen and Bon Jovi!


I can almost smell East Bergen from here!
Aaaaaaaah! Schweet!


I am Kim of Kim-Scott records. That was my grand-father Max Rogoff. The first copy-righted printing was 1/24/68. The singer was Anne McDonagle of the Dumont singers. Max drove around the state for over 40 years selling girdles, lingerie, and socks for Kayser-Roth of New York. Ada, his wife died in 1969 and Max continued to do what he could to promote this song as the state song. Was young then, but I can still hear him singing the song. Max died in 1988 in New York City. Kim-Scott Records did have a few more releases and went by the wayside when he did what all New Jersey loving citizens do when they get old; he moved to Florida.


I can't believe I found this song!!! I remember Max Rogoff singing this catchy song as a child when I lived on Hollybrook Rd. in Paramus NJ in the early 60's. Max was the grandfather of my friends and neighbors Michelle and Laurie Rogoff! He was such a jolly man!

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