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« 365 Days #67 - WFMU Marathon Madness with The Old Codger & The Dirty Duck (mp3s) | Main | Matthew Moore's City of Wheat »

March 08, 2007


Listener Paul

Evan "Funk" Davies?


Terre T?


Gaylord Fields!


Nope, nope, nope - all great guesses tho! Keep trying...


Let's see, all prior rules still apply, so it won't be Liz B, which is a shame. And, it's "Guess the DJ" not "the Staffer", which let's out Megan, ditto.

Oh what the heck. It's a wide open field so I'll just take a shot in the dark and say that Michael Shelly's going to be rendering a number-one-hit version of this song.

Brian C.

(too lazy to go back though and eliminate previous owners… so…)
Brian Turner. It's gotta be! (Or maybe?)

Mel Matsuoka



Dave the Spazz?

Bill W

Since Jilted John kinda looks like Hatch, that's my guess.


semi-latent punk rocker Bill Jam?


A Winner!! Brian, you are correct, it is MISTER BILLY JAM who'll be lamenting the intrusions of Gordon the Moron during the Marathon Finale. Drop me a line at scott at wfmu dot org, we'll arrange to drop you a set of beer coasters. See you all next week with another installment.

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