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March 23, 2007


Mark from Helsinki


My fave 'FMU dj (Charlie) spazzing out like a pro!

What a treat!

Listener A

Very nice, thank you for the good work!


Bronwyn, you rule!

Cheese Snob Wendy

I was late for the party that day, and unfortunately missed Charlie's Frankenstein - and I was really looking forward to it! So happy to finally hear and see it. What a performance. It made me smile. Any chance of getting just the audio of it on .mp3 ? I wanna listen to it on my iPod. Smiling and giggling to yourself always ensures you get plenty of room on the subway.


This looks like so much fun. I can't wait for the day that I have enough WFMU cred to see one of these things live.

Mickey Mephistopheles

Dancing rodents. Please!

Ruy Mauricio de Lima e Silva Neto

Gee, Brian, you've made it.

I really entered in

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