Holy hooters, we have a winner!
Frank S. from the World Wide Web won the coveted Bucket of Smut, the special bonus contest prize that was open to anyone who gave $75 or more to the marathon. We love you, porn rock stars.
On a sad note, I got more than a few emails from people who said they had stinky years -- I think the word was "cursed" -- after not winning the Bucket last time. I expect they will be twice as bummed this year, and I am sympathetic. My suggestion is to buy Lotto tickets to keep the hope/despair cycle going until the next marathon. (If you really want the stuff, you can get it by exchanging money for the items using established capitalist mechanisms. May I suggest taking your business to the kind donors listed below.)
On a happy note, second prize is a year's worth of This Week in Sex, posted here every Tuesday. All smut, no fundraising. Everyone's a winner!
On a mysterious note, the winner of last year's Bucket was never heard from again. Never. I guess there is too much of a good thing.
On a musical note, check out the marathon sing-a-long finale on video and audio. I'm on the audio, where I helped out Station Manager Ken with the talking part. Apparently I called him "Kenneth" at one point, so I don't think I'll be invited back.
Thanks to our generous donors:
Love/porn image details. Thanks Doron! Next week: Back to our regular programming.
Fine print: Winner of this year's prize certified by the accountants at Freeman and Murphy.
Congrats, Frank! Let us know how you like the Cone.
Posted by: johnson | March 28, 2007 at 12:37 AM
I'm sorry, but sweet mother of god, that thing has a _point_ on it. Are you sure this isn't one of Don Rumsfelds inventions for torturing POW's? It'd be like boinking a missile. Forget Rumsfeld, now I'm thinking Slim Pickins from Dr. Strangelove "YAHOOOO!!!!"
Posted by: K | March 28, 2007 at 10:08 AM
How funny to see the Indiana "Porn" knockoff. I happen to be ducking the rain drops at an internet cafe in Bilbao where I am setting up a show of 12 foot rusty steel Indiana sculptures--AMOR etc. Nice to see you at the marathon
Posted by: Todd Norlander | March 30, 2007 at 12:44 PM