Thanks to the hundreds of free music lovers who came out to Brooklyn's Southpaw for the first concert of WFMU's Free Music Series this past weekend. If you missed out on kick-ass performances by DJ/Rupture, Flaming Fire, Jonathan Kane's February, and the Major Stars, live vicariously through these photos (thanks to Andy). Then brag to your friends about how awesome it was.
There are additional photos from the night on WFMU's Flickr page. If you have pix of the show and want to upload them to your own Flickr site, please be sure to tag them as WFMU. If you don't have a Flickr site but want to contribute pix, please email mike [at] wfmu dot org and we will work out a way for you to submit them. (Please do NOT send large files to that address.)
Posted by: Mike Lupica | April 30, 2007 at 12:46 PM
Thanks to FMU and the bands for a great show. I was in town from Oregon and took the train out to B'lyn -- definitely a highlight of my trip -- and I can see the back of my head in one of the Jonathan Kane shots in case I have to prove my whereabouts to my wife who went to a Broadway show.
Posted by: Brian | May 01, 2007 at 08:03 PM