By now, I imagine that you've figured out where in Brooklyn you're meeting your friends for dinner on Saturday. I'm also assuming that you've already had the argument with someone in your potential dinner party about the early hour at which you'll be dining so as to not be late for WFMU's Free Music Series Kickoff. Let me reassure you: Your reasoning is both valid and noble.
Earlier this week, Brian Turner and Scott Williams sounded the alarms for the first two artists to take the Southpaw stage this coming Saturday (DJ/Rupture and Flaming Fire respectively), and today I am here to tell you about the third: Jonathan Kane's February. And on this solitary occassion I say: why just read when you can read while you're watching. And listening. Here's a video of the band (recorded last year performing on Brian's show) smashing out one of thee most formidable WFMU hits of recent memory:
I wrote about this special programming event a while back and mentioned how Kane's been supplying his seemingly endless varieties of percussive propulsion to hard-hitters like The Swans, Rhys Chatham, and La Monte Young. In the time that's elapsed since then, it's been my distinct honor and pleasure to sink myself headfirst into his most recent work with February. With an eponymously-titled LP (including the track "Sis", which the band performs in the above video) and the I Looked at the Sun EP (which features the affectingly plaintive track "BQE"), Jonathan Kane has summoned key elements from across the avant spectrum and piloted them towards the unlikely destination of American roots music. Try to imagine what Rhys Chatham's epic "Die Donnergotter" [Real Audio] would've sounded like if he'd come up playing it in a backwoods bar in the southern hinterlands, and you're getting close to the shattering symphonics that Kane and his band will be dishing out this Saturday. I look forward to seeing all of you there!
Jonathan Kane's February performs this Saturday, April 28th, at the Southpaw nightclub in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Admission is FREE. 8 PM doors, first come, first served. 18+ to enter. Also performing are DJ/Rupture, Flaming Fire, and the Major Stars. Southpaw is located at 125 5th Ave. Directions are available on their website.
Johanthan Kane rules the universe. He transforms me into one of those screaming girls of a Hard Days Night
Posted by: Peapod | January 20, 2008 at 12:04 PM