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April 12, 2007



check this out:


KV was a novelist without parallel, and thankfully we (and future generations of young questioners) will always have his books to be enlightened and educated by.

What I feel we'll miss the most about him however, is his unflinching and unapologetic secular humanism and support for what is *right*. His intellect gave me courage to think hard, and to believe in life on this planet -- and in this world. There are too few public intellectuals today as it is, and fewer still with his courage.

"We Humanists try to behave well without any expectation of rewards or punishments in an afterlife. We serve as best we can the only abstraction with which we have any real familiarity, which is our community." -KV


The above linked videos are well worth the view, even if it's just of 1981 New York. And so it goes.

Barrett Golding

Same Dave Soldier, I believe, as of the Thai Elephant Orchestra and People's Choice Music projects. Then there's the SoCal prog-rock pop band, Ambrosia, who's 1975 song "Nice, Nice, Very Nice" put Kurt's couplet from Cat's Cradle to music.

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