As this planet's quotient of wussy, dirty poncho-donning, mottled $100 CD-R-hawking, so-called "psych" bands soars through the troposphere, rest assured that honest, genuine, overmodulated rock and roll still populates Earth's gutters. And Brooklyn's nightclubs.
Enter the Major Stars, a triple-guitar-driven psychedelic minefield hailing from Boston: the band is a longtime 'FMU fave, and we couldn't be more excited to host them for the first concert of WFMU's Free Music Series. Take a listen (real audio) to their killer live set on Brian Turner's show last year, and you'll immediately understand that Major Stars aren't some fluttery, fey '60s throwback. Just mentioning the word "fey" to singer Sandra Barrett may result in the loss of a limb. Closely examine the photo to the left and feel the Major Stars most righteously rocking the flexi straws straight out of that soda fountain. Absolution by guitar, people.
You'd be hard-pressed to find a more powerful live act these days, so don't miss out on the Major Stars' performance this Saturday, April 28. Join WFMU for a night out on the town, free of charge. That's right, I said rock for free. U-S-A! U-S-A!
The lineup:
Major Stars
Jonathan Kane's February
Flaming Fire
Sat. 4/28 @ Southpaw (125 5th Ave, Brooklyn)
Doors: 8pm, ages 18+