All digest-like this month, for easy and snappy perusal.
Gaylord Fields - See the man hold forth on the nuances of his annual radio collaboration with Yo La Tengo in this Chickfactor interview.
Steinski - Attitudinal Producer, Troublemaker, And That's Mr. Steinski to You, has launched a new blog. Music, Politics, Copyright, and then some.
Mr. Finewine - He of the Downtown Soulville empire brings his formidable DJ talents to, kee-rist -- St. Petersburg, Russia! Three nights only: April 6th: Griboedov Club, April 7th: The Queens Bar, and April 8th: Live radio show on 106.3 FM.
Tom Scharpling - He and pal Jon Wurster have a new triple (count 'em!) CD coming soon on the Stereolaffs label. More info and audio samples here.
Dave the Spazz - The Music to Spazz By franchise continues to spread its tentacles every Sunday night at Brooklyn's Union Pool bar, and Dave will also be manning the decks TONIGHT (Wednesday, April 4th) at Manitoba's in NYC's East Village. Catrch him later on in the month (April 27th) at The Boulevard Tavern in Crooklyn, and rasie a glass to congratulate him for co-penning a totally hot number on the amazing new Mary Weiss record (Real Audio)!
People Like Us and Ergo Phizmiz - WFMU's UK correspondants will drop their collaborative "Perpetuum Mobile" CD later on this month, which was the result of each of them uploading audio files to a shared server, then downloading and processing eachother's work, and then flinging the resulting fragments back at each other for further manipulation and added vocal tracks. You can hear Real Audio samples here and here. Here's the link to acquire a copy for your own bad self.
Ok Mike, I need a good resolution jpg of that Scharpling 8-Track picture, so when I compile the best of the 3CD set onto one 8 track I'll have a proper label for it. Thanks. Seriously. I'll even put them into production if I can find a source for blanks.
Posted by: jaysherman | April 04, 2007 at 10:42 PM