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May 15, 2007


michael farris

I have the Vincent Price one, but unfortunately it's in storage in the US while I'm in Europe. IIRC it featured scenes from more than one play, there was The Importance of Being Earnest and scene(s) from at least one other play (one set in Holland? there's a lot of emoting about someone named Willem).

Hear It Wow

Excellent contribution! I've got Cesar Romero, June Havoc, and one other actress I can't recall, but the entire album is scenes from Peyton Place. I keep thinking that these are perfect for a mashup.


I used to have the Talulah Bankhead one! And another actress who's name escapes me. I lent them to sombody in about 1983 and never saw them again. . . how they found their way onto a market stall in Clapham is a mystery.

George L.

I have a copy of the George Raft album and had never heard of the others in the series until now. I wonder if there are others beyond those already mentioned(?)

Maybe the other celebrity albums can also be posted, depending on whether they can all collected in one place.

This Fernando Lamas album is delightful, even without the script which was originally enclosed! Cheers!

Margate By the Sea, UK

Chris Thielen

These records are wonderful. It seems like records allowed for more playful ideas than CDs: there's records that teach you to play roulette, teach you these scenes, even one that taught you to play chess whose inner cover was a chess board and had punch out pieces. Neat ideas!

Zak W.

I love these records! I have the Sir Cedric Hardwicke version. I'm glad other people appreciate these. When I lived in Tucson they had quite a few of these at PDQ records, and I always vowed I would buy them when I could afford it, but moved away. I'll bet the Tallulah Bankhead version is a good one. As for Hardwicke, he's a pretty decent co-star, with his stentorian voice and all.

johnny rankin

i have the vincent price, ceaser romero , and slappy maxwell{i think i forget his name} i dj inbetween bands on our"john and jenny's rocknroll party" night...i always find someone who will "act" with vincent price, i always play the "governers son" where vincent price falls in love with "a lady of ill repute" the part is for a woman, but i make the guys do this one..especially if there the jock, or too cool type...lots of laughs!

Pinball King

Hey Johnny, are you still doing "Johnny and Jenny's Rock N' Roll Party" in Toronto? I wanna see that but I can't find it!


I'm in urgent need of the script to the Vincent Price record. I have the record but without the script. Please let me know if someone can provide this. Thank you!


I loved the Fernando Lamas. Could you post the Vincent Price and Basil Rathbone?
Great stuff on WFMU all day everyday!!


Hellbound Alleee

I just made a recording of this with some stuff from Fred Phelps. Maybe someone would like to hear it, maybe not.

Phelps Romance


I have a costar with Jimmie Rodgers cs-113 never opened. When I came across it I was not sure if it should be opened or left sealed.

Kimberly King

Say, does anyone out there have the Tallulah Bankhead "Co-Star" LP for sale? Can't seem to find it anywhere.


I have Tallulah Bankhead for sale. Excellent condition with script.

Michael Bell

I have the Bankead script and would love to have a copy of the record or voice tape or cd.

Hugh Manatee

I used to have most of these LPs when I was a kid. They were pretty campy even back then, but we had a lot of fun with them. My dad had a Wollensak and would tape our high, squeaky voices acting alongside Basil Rathbone in "The Brothers Karamazov."

If memory serves me, I believe the "other" actress not named above was Arlene Dahl and "Slappy Maxwell" was actually "Slapsie Maxie" Rosenbloom, a prizefighter turned character actor.

Gordon Evans

Would be good to know the whole list. I have Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Pearl Bailey, Arlene Dahl, Vincent Price, Virginia Mayo, Basil Rathbone, Don Ameche and Paulette Goddard. I think there is also Cesar Romero, Fernando Lamas, George Raft, June Havoc, Tallulah Bankhead, Jimmie Rodgers and Slapsy Maxie Rsenbloom. Tallulah Bankhead is apparently the most desired and now almost impossible to find.


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