In most instances, the sentiments expressed in the great Country Teasers song "Please Ban Music" (real audio from their WFMU live session) are surely to be applauded, although in reality, the idea is a bit unfeasible unless you were in, say, Iran. Here in the USA however, we will settle for "Please Lock Up Bands." A drastic move, for sure, and while such an activity in the past might have prevented such great moments in rock, like for example this one (2.3MB mpeg for download), we may have also prevented a lot of this. Pictures here were snapped this morning on my bike ride to WFMU down the west side path, on the West 13th Street pier. Upon peering inside, one of the guitarists even came up to the glass to woodle woodle on his axe for me, but sadly that one didn't come out. All I have to say is that if they are indeed subsiding on Dr. Pepper and KFC, I wouldn't want to be near the pier when the bubble finally opens up.
Wow. "They" have finally done it. I actually, truly, sincerely want to kill myself.
Posted by: noisejoke | May 30, 2007 at 02:56 PM
I am reminded of Gene Simmons comments being interviewed by Terry Gross on the Peoples Republic of Public Radio. He sez, of Kiss, " I am proud of the fact that Kiss is not a band, it's a Brand. I play in a Brand".
So it's a little late for self immolation, Noise. But yeah, when I stopped laughing at the press release, I did indeed feel the urge to light up with a buddhist monk.
BTW, "woodle woodle on his axe"??? YES! That's it exactly! Woodle. Why didn't I think of that? And why do all rock bands feel the need to make that stupid woodling sound?
Posted by: K | May 31, 2007 at 10:35 AM