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June 13, 2007


have clue will travel

The Blueberry Chef? Sounds more like the Peculiar Purple Pieman of Porcupine Peak to me.

American Death Fat

Damn, I had a tape aquired from a goodwill store in the 90's but I made a mix tape out of it for a girlfriend. I left the first few seconds of Strawberry Shortcake and then taped over the rest; probably with Archers of Loaf.

BC Sterrett

You're right, it's the Purple Pie Man. Not the Blueberry Chef, which is a name I made up, I guess. lol

Keith Handy

Those were rough to listen to; the only track I made it through is the Flo & Eddie one. Definitely a recognizeable voice for anyone who's listened to early Zappa.


To be honest, I saw none of the shows. I did not grow up with cable. It was these albums that were in many ways better, because I was actively viewing the scenes in my own (very young) mind. It built up my visualization skills at a very young age, which is very important.


Thank You!!!
I repeatedly tortured my parents with my Strawberry Shortcake Live record, back in the early 80's. I recently bought my own kids a Strawberry Shortcake CD, and it's SO NOT the Strawberry Shortcake I remember! I was so psyched to find Celebration on this site. I even called up my mother and tortured her with it once again! It brings back so many memories!!


Strawberry in the second MP3 sounds like Betty Boop.
Sour Grapes in the third MP3 must have swallowed helium, because she sounds like a chipmunk.

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