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June 14, 2007



Ladies and Gentleman, tonight, for one night only, the inimitable, the remarkable, the tanned and vivacious Yoda!


I knew my life was missing SOMETHING.


He looks like a sphincter.

Dave the Spazz

He's definitely going for the Shemp look.

Brian Turner

Still completely insanely amazing on stage at 60. On the loose and out to kill every single second he's up there, totally schooling all.

fatty jubbo

whoah! Too bad the new record doesn't reflect the bizarre insanity that is still Iggy Pop! I hope my body looks like that when I'm 60.

Dave the Spazz

Now that I think about it, Iggy is the same age as Shemp Howard when he appeared in "Flagpole Jitters." I think Iggy should seriously consider appearing in a Shemp Howard bio-pic.

OK, it's Friday night—I should probably figure out something to do.

Listener Christopher

HAHAH Coop, you're right he really does look like a sphincter.

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