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June 13, 2007


Sleazy Martinez

God, it's a long time since I heard the phrase "Unexpanded Vic 20". Thanks for that.



Angela of the Aver Residence at 3 Glen Road

I miss my Commodore 64 so much! I had like, 200 games for that computer. And I never wanted to drop kick it down the stairs in frustration. Never had to call Eastern Malaysia for tech support.
Oh, floppys! and backup tapes, joysticks...and, and I even had a stylus pad!
Thanks for finding that. It so rocked. Anyone remember "Simon Says"? It used to say poop with two syllables.
Awesome, just awesome.


Echoes of John Carpeneter's assault on Precint 13 weave in and out of this - an entirely good thing too in my opinion. Thanks for finding and sharing.

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