I think this has to be the biggest and best week of music I've put together yet. Best of all, it's great having $mall Change back on the air. If you like all manners of dance music and oddities in between, it's hard to find a DJ with deeper crates than his.
All MP3 and RealAudio links are streaming links from the WFMU archives.
Rock And Roll
Dowser - "Stealth Punk" RealAudio from Jason Elbogen's show
Yasukatsu Oshima - "Akayura" RealAudio from Ken's show
Stephanie - "Funky School" RealAudio from Nickel and Dime Radio with $mall Change
Apparat - "Not a Number" RealAudio from Ken's show
Carl Orff And the Tolz Boys Choir - "Brief Invention For Recorders" RealAudio from Ken's show
Battles - "Atlas" RealAudio from Bob. W's show (filling in for Maria Levitsky)
Piero Umiliani - "Due Mafiosi Contro Al Capone" RealAudio from Bob. W's show (filling in for Maria Levitsky)
Hans Appelqvist - "Jag en Gok" RealAudio from This Is the Modern World with Trouble
Shackleton - "Tin Foil Sky" RealAudio from Tony Rettman's show
Glass Candy - "I Always Say Yes" RealAudio from Nickel and Dime Radio with $mall Change
Duke Ellington - "Malletoba Spank" RealAudio from This Is the Modern World with Trouble
Jozef Van Wissem - "All Day Within the Dreamy House..." RealAudio from Woody's show
Bekay - "Sopranos" RealAudio from Coffee Break For Heroes & Villians with Noah
Fave Songs of the Week
Serpents of Wisdom - "Mine Eyes" RealAudio from Woody's show
Asi Mina - "Przepis" RealAudio from Woody's show