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July 07, 2007


Bendable Boy 2001

Although this stuff is OK, I prefer all that great Thurl Ravenscroft stuff you posted last week

please - more Thurl Ravenscroft!

J Plant

Some more possible background on Mitchell: he won a karaoke contest in Denton, TX where the winner was to receive a completely funded "studio" album. The winner was also judged from crowd applause, and voila! Jimmy won.

So here is his 'paid-for' album, the bounties of his contest winnings. I'm just not sure why all the backing tracks sound like a casio keyboard.

J Plant

By the way, track 11 is actually "Mame" and not "Mama".


Thanks for the Mama-->Mame. My mistake on the typo. Fixed here on the page and in the mp3 file/tag.


Russell, thanks so much. I wonder if our mutual friend from Denton has heard this yet.

Philip Chapman-Bell

This guy sounds an awful lot like Jimmy Witchard, the autistic concessions manager at Arlen Speedway.

Or don't you guys watch TV?



Rhonda R.

I love it. Am I crazy, or does he sound like the lead singer of the Crash Test Dummies? You know, they had that hit "Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm" in the '90s?

toja nona

u are so retardet


You are insulting and have very poor taste. When you meet your maker one day, you will realize how sorry you will be.


When will I actually be sorry, if I'll only realize how sorry I will be when I meet my Maker?


Sad news. I was just looking for more info on Jimmy, having loves his music since hearing "Eres Tu" in the 2003 365-Day Project. I found an obituary for a Jimmy Mitchell who seems to be about the right age, health, and location as our Jimmy. Apprently he just died, on August 17th. Is there any way to find out if this is the same Jimmy?

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