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July 13, 2007


Ray Brazen

Oh William, you have done Terry so damned proud by posting this.

I still have the second- or third- generation copy of this which was sent to me by Barry Mann. (Speaking of which, where is Barry these days?) It's about time the great music and debauchery contained within got a chance to be heard by the rest of the world, so that they too can finally hear just how incredible and beautiful a person Terry Folger was.

The gods smile upon you today, Mr. Berger. Thanks.

Krys O.

Prik McTig AT LAST! Haven't heard that in a loooooong time. Bless you, my son.

TJK Haywood

It seems that my appreciation for TKF has grown deeper as I have grown older.
There's a certain nostalgia to his memory now. When I think of him, his sprit is there and it is tied in with the stations history.
I didn’t even know he was Armchair Macedonia, I heard him singing Sentimental Journey It was played on the radio with the 'oh Shit'(When Armchair Macedonia spilled his drink) left in Way before the FCC went totally Fascist.
We're talking about a guy who used to be hiding in his car in the Froberg hall parking lot with someone else, while listening to the final DJ sign off the air and then sneak back in and turn everything back on again, and start broadcasting. ( This was when FMU was not 24 hours).
He was not in favor of FMU winning it's lawsuit in 1989.
I thought that was surprising at the time. But now I can see why, he wanted FMU to stay integrally small with it's cult following and to stay in NJ and not become so New York Oriented.
He played and wrote the most eccentrically intelligent music too.
William, we should get together and make A TKF Tribute CD / Web page this fall. And put some Vanilla Bean stuff up there too, those guys were the Syd Barretts of WFMU, Left behind but essential to the spirit of everything that came after.

F the FCC YO!

Dave Baron

I remember Terry and that time period well. Thanks for posting. Dave Baron

William Berger

My name is William Berger to. I'm brasilian, student of teatr and social service. Work in social's project's childrens. in de google look you William Berger. i like you friend's.

William Berger
Vitória - ES

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