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July 08, 2007



You lucky bastard. Looked like they had people there filming it with decent cameras. I hope there'll be a DVD of it.


it was seriously the most amazing thing i've ever seen.
thank goodness for actually arriving someplace on time for a change! the rewards were abundant!

Chuck Jones

Every once in a while, I get served up evidence like this, proof that I live in the wrong city.

Chicago is nice and all, but we don't get things like this.


Like to see pics or hear aud of his previous group Hantarash. "Boat People Hate Fuck!"

Bill W

Don't be too regretful about living in Chicago. At least you didn't wait 3 hours on line after having "RSVPd" and get turned away (in favor of a thousand or so "VIPs"). Utterly idiotic admission logistics; nice job, Viceland.


Eye so crazy!

Viva Radio

On July 7th, 2007, devoted participants and fans gathered at Brooklyn’s Empire-Fulton Ferry State neighborhood to experience an ensemble of 77 drummers performing as “one giant instrument” under the direction of Japanese music legends the Boredoms.

Wednesday, September 12th, Viva Radio launches an exclusive online companion to the Boredoms 77 Boadrum legacy drum event:

John Redford

The types of Flash games that are now beginning to hit the Internet, closely emulate the old Console games of the ‘80’s.

Indie Music Videos

This looks like one FREAKIN' good time. I love out door concerts. Looks like it was jamin!

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