Follow Dana Brown, renowned big-game hunter, in his hunt of the great man-eating tiger of Western Nepal. Awaiting the tiger's approach while patiently sitting in a tree, Dana waxes poetic into a cheap microphone in a strange stunted and blustery meter about the beauty and horrors of the jungle as birds chatter and wail in the background.
Jungle Nights & Man-Eaters with Dana Brown Side One (mp3)
Jungle Nights & Man-Eaters with Dana Brown Side Two (mp3)
I have extracted some choice bits from the record...starting with an example of Dana's blubbering verbose observations of hunting in the jungle.
Dana Brown - Jungle Poetry (mp3)
Dana lets his listeners hear a bit of violent tiger mating.
Dana Brown - Authentic Sounds Of Tigers Mating! (mp3)
Towards the end of the record, Dana starts to adopt an almost b-movie horror movie affectation.
Dana Brown - Stalking Creeping Terror (mp3)
Eventually Dana gets down out of tree to take part in the "weird music of Western Nepal" during the eight-day holiday named "Holi" when all marriage ties are dissolved! Dana gets lost in reverie as he lusts after the girls of Western Nepal..."one of the prettiest women of the world."
Dana Brown - Eight Days of Holi (mp3)
front cover - back cover - Dana Brown autograph
Special thanks to Matt Marsden for lending me this gem that I have been pestering him about for a couple years now. Also- for a very similar stunted and blustery oratory style, check out Unkie Dunkie, the worst comedian of New Jersey.