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July 01, 2007



this is very well investigated. I know all these songs from my schooltime in GDR (1985 - 1990 when the whole shit where joined).
I've found another strange song from the FDJ Organisation (Freie Deutsche Jugend) which sounds like a minimal NDW track. Just a simple drumbox and e-organ (this must be one of the great VERMONA organs/beatboxes)
listen here:

best wishes
marcus murkes

PS: maybe this is interesting for you, the avantgarde underground of GDR:
Spannung Leistung Widerstand - Magnetband Kultur 1979-1990
storys about some still well known musicans with roots in the GDR - Flake of Feeling B/Rammstein and the lippok brothers of ornament & verbrechen/tarwarter/to roccoco rot and AG Geige/raster noton

Yes, I remember a feature on UK late night TV show 'Eurotrash' on Liedertafel Margot Honecker, lost my copy of that a long time ago. They made on other single 'Vorwärts, Freie Deutsche Jugend', there is a a video clip existing for that somewhere in the ether.


seems like there are a lot east germans on this board ;). used to live there for 13 years. and margot was a real sl... wasnt she minister for education/ culture? hope she is in hell with her
damned bastard busband and getting grilled forever....


The KED party "chairman" was none other than Uli Rehberg aka. Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg using the alias "Dr. Kurt Euler".


I'm searching for videos of it. Clip, TV... whatever. I want to SEE the performances.
So, if you have it, faite un geste culturel et transmettez moi ça

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