[ 4 German socialist MP3s in this post. Don't say I didn't warn you. ]
Just in time for the 4th of July, here is some classic propaganda music to remind you of the wonders of socialism, especially the East German variant of it. In 1992, Felix Kubin and some friends founded the KED (Kommunistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands, Communist Unity Party of Germany), a fake Dada-socialist party which dissolved in 1994, after it attracted too much media attention. The musical arm of the KED was Liedertafel Margot Honecker, named after the former First Lady and Education Minister of the German Democratic Republic. Former East Germans will always remember Margot Honecker fondly for her role in shaping socialist education, and especially the introduction of Wehrunterricht (weapons education) for 9th and 10th graders in 1978. And for her blue hair. But enough of the reminiscing, let's hear the music of Liedertafel Margot Honecker, from their first 7" single Gute Freunde.
Gute Freunde (MP3) - Originally sung in youth groups about the good friends in the GDR's People's Army and how the kids wanted to grow up to be soldiers.
Überall, wohin man schaut, wird aufgebaut (MP3) - Another classic socialist children's song, this one about the thriving East German economy.
LPG-Lied (MP3) - LPG was the catchy acronym for Landwirtschaftliche Produktionsgenossenschaft, the unwieldy term for large collectivized farms. And indeed, this one is a children's song about the thriving East German agriculture.
Der kleine Trompeter (MP3) - This song was written to honor Fritz Weineck, who was killed in 1925 by police during a communist campaign rally in Germany. Weineck was a trumpeter for the communist party KPD, hence his nickname "Der kleine Trompeter" (The little trumpeter). While this song predates the GDR, it was very popular there, and was said to be a personal favorite of Margot Honecker. If you don't know German, let me just assure you that the lyrics are borderline retarded. My favorite line is his portrayal as "ein lustiges Rotgardistenblut", which roughly translates as "a happy Red Guard fellow".
For more about life and culture in the former GDR, check out this older post.
this is very well investigated. I know all these songs from my schooltime in GDR (1985 - 1990 when the whole shit where joined).
I've found another strange song from the FDJ Organisation (Freie Deutsche Jugend) which sounds like a minimal NDW track. Just a simple drumbox and e-organ (this must be one of the great VERMONA organs/beatboxes)
listen here: http://mashgordon.com/
best wishes
marcus murkes
PS: maybe this is interesting for you, the avantgarde underground of GDR:
Spannung Leistung Widerstand - Magnetband Kultur 1979-1990
storys about some still well known musicans with roots in the GDR - Flake of Feeling B/Rammstein and the lippok brothers of ornament & verbrechen/tarwarter/to roccoco rot and AG Geige/raster noton
Posted by: marcus | July 02, 2007 at 03:03 AM
Yes, I remember a feature on UK late night TV show 'Eurotrash' on Liedertafel Margot Honecker, lost my copy of that a long time ago. They made on other single 'Vorwärts, Freie Deutsche Jugend', there is a a video clip existing for that somewhere in the ether.
Posted by: | July 02, 2007 at 08:15 AM
seems like there are a lot east germans on this board ;). used to live there for 13 years. and margot was a real sl... wasnt she minister for education/ culture? hope she is in hell with her
damned bastard busband and getting grilled forever....
Posted by: steffen | July 02, 2007 at 05:04 PM
The KED party "chairman" was none other than Uli Rehberg aka. Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg using the alias "Dr. Kurt Euler".
Posted by: Han | July 24, 2009 at 04:10 PM
I'm searching for videos of it. Clip, TV... whatever. I want to SEE the performances.
So, if you have it, faite un geste culturel et transmettez moi ça
Posted by: Marie-Madeleine | November 10, 2009 at 05:50 PM