Carl Smith "The Bottle Is Just Fooling You"
Hank Williams "There's a Tear in My Beer"
Mr Swing "Beer Bottle Boogie"
Webb Pierce "There Stands the Glass"
ZZ Top "Beer Drinkers and Hell-Raisers"
Hank Thompson / Bob Wills "Bubbles In My Beer"
Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 "Cup of Dreams"
A.C. Ducey "Beer Beer Bottla Beer"
Cat Stevens "Bring Another Bottle Baby"
Matching Mole "Starting In The Middle of the Day We Can Drink Our Politics Away"
Bob & Doug McKenzie "Beer Hunter"
The Tiger Lillies "Lager Lout"
Space Needle "Beers In Heaven"
Bessie Smith / Billie Holiday "Give Me A Pig Foot and a Bottle of Beer"
George Jones
Homer Simpson "It Was A Very Good Beer"
Johnny Russell "Red Necks, White Socks, & Blue Ribbon Beer"
Joe Belock "Daddy Wants A Cold Beer"
Wreckless Eric & Amy Rigby "You can't be a man without a beer in your hand"
Frank Zappa "Rudy Wants to Buy Yez a Drink"
Claude King "51 Beers" / "Beers & Pinball"
Dee Mullins "Beers"
Light Crust Doughboys "Beer Drinking Mama"
Replacements "Beer For Breakfast"
Rocky Bill Ford "Blowing Suds Off My Beer"
Scotsmen "Beer Bust Blues"
Smiley Maxedon "Give Me A Red Hot Mama and An Ice Cold Beer"
Goatmen "Beer Bitch" (external link)
Kris Kristofferson "To Beat the Devil"
Pink Floyd "Paint Box"
King Missile "Happy Hour"
Ill Ease "One Hell of a Bender"
Z-Rock Hawaii "Chuggin'"
2 Nice Girls "I Spent My Last $10 on Birth Control and Beer"
Captain Beefheart "Long Neck Bottles"
Mario Lanza "Drink, Drink, Drink"
(All links are internal WFMU realaudio samples unless otherwise noted)
Meanwhile, at 2:40 this afternoon (and every Friday throughout the Summer 2007 WFMU air schedule), I'll be drinking and talking about beer on the air with a bunch of pals. Today we'll be sampling suds provided by WFMU Computer God Doron. I'm podcasting this weekly 20 minute debauch (and even occasionally the after party), feel free to subscribe here. There's even a flickr set devoted to the after party. Past beer posts here, here and here. Past beer-obsessed radio shows via all this
Captain Beefheart's Long Neck Bottles would fit the bill as well.
Posted by: will | August 03, 2007 at 12:33 PM
WOAH fehlfarben!
Posted by: Frank | August 03, 2007 at 03:03 PM
"In Heaven There Is No Beer" - a traditional Czech folk song. A must have on the all-time beer tunes list. Sorry, I couldn't find a (free) mp3...
Posted by: zim | August 03, 2007 at 07:39 PM
Is it just me or are these links all busted? Too bad! They look grand.
Posted by: Brian C. | August 03, 2007 at 08:30 PM
How 'bout Mario Lanza's "Drink, Drink, Drink" from The Student Prince? "Ein, zvei, drei, vier / Lift your stein and drink your beer!"
Posted by: Listener James from Westwood | August 03, 2007 at 08:32 PM
i stumbled a while ago over this website -
not really songs about beer, but songs to be sung while drinking (a good amount of) beer.
attention - some songs are, hm, not very classy...
so these rather fit the after after party.
Posted by: dkb | August 04, 2007 at 12:48 PM
I find your lack of Irish drinking songs disturbing.
Posted by: Michael | August 04, 2007 at 01:47 PM
Hi will: the Beefheart is a fine suggestion, thanks! All fine suggestions welcome.
Hi Frank: YEAH, Fehlfarben! Excellent drinking music too, and what a great album cover.
Hi zim: I had to opt out of "In Heaven There is no Beer" in favor of "Beers In Heaven", for what I figure is an obvious reason.
Hi Brian C.: hmmm, all the links I've tested are working fine. Are any of them taking you to WFMU realaudio archives?
Hi LJFWW: a fine suggestion, thanks!
Hi dkb: thanks for the link!
Hi Michael: "disturbing" seems a funny term here. What's so great about Irish drinking songs? Am I being insensitive by not pandering to a cultural stereotype? I've also avoided German oompah crap - it's just Bad Music!
Posted by: Scott | August 04, 2007 at 03:15 PM
Reel Big Fish's Beer is another great one.
Posted by: ben | August 06, 2007 at 11:44 AM
I think 'Ain't Got the Money to Pay for this Drink' by George Zimmerman & the Thrills has something to do with beer.
Posted by: The Contrarian | August 07, 2007 at 02:36 PM
i think "hefeweizen, schrei" (where 'hefeweizen' is a bayuvarian kind of beer and 'schrei' means scream) would fit the scheme as well. it's available on a sampler by the german indie-label trikont.
Posted by: orcival | August 08, 2007 at 04:09 PM
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