Ready to blast off with some children's records? Well, fasten your mouse, get ready to click... and away we go!
Most of these recordings are highly enjoyable for all ages. However, recordings such as Charlie The Hamster should never be played for children as serious mental trauma could become apparent at a later age. And for you teenagers we have included an album to help you cope during your first year in High School.
- Contributed by: Jef Stevens and Karl Hoffman
Casper The Friendly Ghost - Musical Adventure In Make-Believe
The Friendly Ghost Casper In A Musical Adventure In Make-Believe... Featuring The Peter Pan Orchestra and Chorus.
Selected cuts from this album were featured in 2003.
01 Casper, The Friendly Ghost (0:53)
02 If I Could Be Anything (0:45)
03 I'm A Little Helicopter (2:00)
04 I'm A Train (1:57)
05 Motorcycle Policeman (3:21)
06 I Am A Truck (3:19)
07 Windshield Wipers Parade (1:32)
08 If I Could Be Anything (0:51)
09 The Sky Is Very Green (1:03)
10 Good Habit Song (3:01)
11 The Animal Square Dance (2:15)
12 I Am A Tugboat (2:08)
13 I'm A Rocket (1:48)
14 I've Tried To Be Everything (0:29)
15 Casper, The Friendly Ghost (0:55)
Image: Cover
Down By The Station
Selected cuts from this album were featured in 2003.
16 Down By The Station (2:28)
17 I'm A Train (2:05)
18 A Trip In A Rocket (1:49)
19 The Subway Train (3:26)
20 The Happy Train (2:00)
21 Recipe For Fun (2:56)
22 Sleepy Town Train (3:20)
23 The Happy Helicopter (1:45)
24 Ha, Ha, The Clown (2:04)
25 I've Been Working On The Railroad (1:20)
26 Chocolate Train (1:59)
Image: Cover
Our Friends In Story And Song
27 Side 1 (7:42)
28 Side 2 (11:29)
Image: Cover
Floyd Robinson - Charlie The Hamster Teaches Bible Stories (1974)
29 It's Fun To Live For Jesus (2:13)
30 Sunday School (2:44)
31 Stand Up For Jesus (2:48)
32 Twelve Disciples (2:14)
33 Jesus (1:51)
34 A B C's (1:32)
35 Hamster Harmony (2:20)
36 I've Got Jesus (1:18)
37 The B-I-B-L-E (2:05)
38 Say A Prayer (2:13)
Image: Cover
Your First Year In High School (Volume Two)
copyright Guidance Associates of Pleasantville, NY (no date given)
39 Part 1 (12:42)
40 Part 2 (12:41)
I have that Casper LP. It's a classic example of cheap quickie children's entertainment, or unattainment if you will. None of the songs have anything to do with Casper and most of them aren't about making believe. Clearly they just had some cheesy songs and a license to make a Casper LP. Add a voice performer who a) is obviously an adult woman, not a little boy (or a ghost for that matter), and b) can't act, and you have an instant classic.
Several years ago I used clips from "I'm a Train" and "Motorcycle Policeman" in an allegedly humorous audio chop-job which is still sitting around online:
Posted by: myeck | August 21, 2007 at 08:00 AM
Sorry for the double post, but listening to the tracks, the Casper and Down By The Station albums share two identical recordings. "I'm A Train" is on both, and Casper's "I'm A Little Helicopter" is the same as "The Happy Helicopter".
Now THAT'S cheap!
Posted by: myeck | August 21, 2007 at 08:50 AM
I've had "Chocolate Train" since childhood, but on a Peter Pan Records 45, as the side two to an "Alphabet Song," and without any of the narration about Mighty Mouse and such, but otherwise, what you've posted today is a truncated version of the exact same recording. I presume "Tinkerbell" is another imprint of the same company that gave us "Peter Pan" and the label with the "Frankie Stein and His Ghouls" tracks...
I've got a bunch of fun Peter Pan stuff I'd like to share. I'm guessing you need to be invited to submit to the 365 project, since I can't find any submission info... ?
Posted by: Corey K. | August 21, 2007 at 02:13 PM
You don't have to be invited - just drop a line to [email protected] and he'll sort you with the details.
That "Your First Year In High School" record sounds like the soundtrack to a filmstrip! You can hear the *dings* when you're supposed to scroll to the next scene. Filmstrip scroller - a coveted job at my school.
Posted by: MrFab | August 21, 2007 at 05:48 PM
I Am A Truck? Casper covers Red Simpson!?
Posted by: Listener Kliph | August 21, 2007 at 06:50 PM
When I was 5 my family moved across the street from a family whose little girl had an LP with "The Chocolate Train" on it. We played it again and again and again. About 8 years ago my friend miraculously burned a disc for me with "The Chocolate Train" on it - little did he know! And 20 years later, I still knew about 95% of the words.
Posted by: Cheese Snob Wendy | August 29, 2007 at 01:12 AM
Oh my gosh - thank you so much! You have the chocolate train! I have the 45 at home from when I was a kid but I wanted it on cd - now I can have it! Oh thank you thank you thank you! (yes I am a dork!)
Posted by: Robin | October 10, 2007 at 10:42 AM
Thank you so much for being here.. I loved the chocolate train when i was little and i have a grandson who is five months old and loves choo choo sounds.. and yes remember every word. I really think the happy train was on the other side of my record.. i could be wrong though.. anyway.. no one I know remembers the song.. so thank you again..
Posted by: wendy | September 28, 2008 at 08:27 AM
i'm so excited about the chocolate train. my grandmother recently passed away and she used to sing that song to me all the time. now i sing it to my two baby girls. thank you!
Posted by: Faith | February 19, 2010 at 09:32 PM