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August 26, 2007



Oh, dear. I remember "Fish". I thought it was the most horribly fantastic thing. Thank you for sharing this!

fatty jubbo

love this record. one of the best covers ever. "fish" is an all time favorite of mine.


thank you Morita! I longed for this to come up. Bought the LP a couple of times, but your copy is much cleaner. "Friday is my day for fish": she must'a lived near a Hojo's... wasn't Friday "Fish Fry" night at Hojos?

Bill Farrar

Many, many thanks!!!

Johnny C

I heard this album once about ten years ago at the home of a big record collector... I've been searching for it ever since...Rats in My Room is one of the most amazing pieces of vinyl ever... Thank you. You've made my week!


hahaha omg
I own this travesty on vinyl. Excellently horrific.

Gary Flinn

I have this album myself. Mine is a Canadian copy made by Sparton Records of London, Ontario. The cover is completely identical to the Unique cover with the word SPARTON added on the upper right corner of the front cover. I picked up this album in the mid-1970s at a Goodwill store in Flint, MI. It is on the Sparton label and has the same LP-115 catalog number as the Unique issue. The label also bears the words: "arr: RKO-UNIQUE RECORD Mfg. Corp."


The original "Rats in My Room" is as shown above. A few years later, radio deejay Joey Reynolds recorded a rock 'n' roll version with expanded lyrics. Today Reynolds will boast the RIMY idea is ALL his, as if this prior version never existed!

Martin Pitchon

I love this, my mother put this LP when I was a child (45 years ago), and we laughed together... Good or bad voice...who cares, it is funny!

Thank you so much for having this in your site, my wife doesn't want me to buy this...

Bill Kinghorn

She was lost for a long time. I'm glad I found her again.


she's perfectly terrible. thanks for the 'fish'

Christopher Cerf

One of my favorite albums of all time -- thanks for posting it! It should be remembered that Leona Anderson also recorded the main title theme song of Bob & Ray's classic daily radio show. Indeed, she was (deservedly) a Bob & Ray favorite.

Jeff Cox

Yes, Bob and Ray played Rats in My Room frequently and usually ended Leona's performance with a gunshot in mid-vocalization followed by silence.

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