01 Let's Dance the Night Away (2:45)
02 I Just Can't Say Goodbye (4:22)
03 Bump To The Funk (2:23)
04 Dreams Of You (3:12)
05 Lovely Lady (2:33)
06 I Don't Want To Hurt You (4:02)
07 This Is My Song (2:40)
08 Tell Me (2:20)
09 One More Day (1:34)
10 It Makes You Want To Cry (3:36)
11 Party (3:02)
12 Who's To Blame (3:43)
Released in 1977, "Let's Dance The Night Away" has to be the most unfortunate disco miscalculation in my collection (and I've got a lot of 'em). The cover depicts four seriously caucasian dudes dressed up in what they've mistaken for disco threads (actually, they're Las Vegas Elvis suits), but they look like they'd be much more at home in a west-Phoenix steakhouse than in a dance club. From all indications, D.C. And Company were an average bar band struggling to find work at the height of the disco craze. So they nailed together a couple of lame grooves with titles like "Party" and "Bump To The Funk," and shoehorned them into their otherwise dance-floor-unfriendly repertoire.
Like most self-released "vanity" recordings of this type, the sound is cheap and thin. The terrible production makes the band sound anything but muscular, and in no way inviting of dancing for even a minute, let alone the whole night. Most of the songs here are interminably slow "confessional" ballads, with titles like "I Don't Want To Hurt You," "Who's To Blame" and "It Makes You Want To Cry." the songs seem to be attempting some sort of personal unburdening, but all they really do is make you want to grab the singer by the collar and yell, "dude, she's NOT going home with you!" And when they trot out their "disco" material…well, you just gotta hear it for yourself.
- Contributed by: Derrick Bostrom
Images: Front Cover, Back Cover
Media: 12" LP
Album: Let's Dance the Night Away
Label: Shining Sunset
Catalog: (none discernible)
Credits: (see back cover scan)
Date: 1977
hilarious write-up! those cretins all look like they just layed some turds in their rented elvis suits. this record certainly causes some non-sexing genital dry-up but still makes me want to flap around and piss on myself.
Posted by: fatty jubbo | August 27, 2007 at 06:32 AM
you're right, this is awful. i'd like to cover them.
Posted by: spacehoof | August 27, 2007 at 10:34 PM
Mediocre, barely acceptable musicianship. Weak, turgid vocals. Equals unfortunate cocktail lounge entertainment. They look like they all need a Viagra, but have to wait 20 years til it's invented. England Dan and John Ford Homely.
Posted by: Scott Mercer | August 29, 2007 at 01:23 PM
"Who-a who-a bay-bee, let's dance the night a-way...who-a who-a..."
Good gawd, that's awful.
Posted by: Neal Snow | August 29, 2007 at 04:34 PM
For some reason, this piano riff played at different times in "I Don't Want to Hurt You" sounds like something out of a horror movie to me.
Posted by: Sammy Reed | August 30, 2007 at 12:13 PM
The Average Shite Band. Flippin' heck this lot are awesome! You have more bad disco? Feel free to post some more any time, I wanna make a crap disco party tape and get down with my lay-dee. . .
Posted by: Jon | September 02, 2007 at 04:04 PM
This may be the worst thing i have ever heard.
Posted by: Monger | July 20, 2008 at 12:03 AM
you're all a bunch of fucking shit heads. i was so happy when i found this! i had only been able too find two of there songs. the singer you want to choke so damn bad is my grandpa who died in May 2012. it sounds fine its from '77 what do you want ass hole?
Posted by: Victoria | January 13, 2013 at 11:26 PM