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August 28, 2007



I was in Harrisburg Pennsylvania for a political protest and there was a high school band there that played "Roundabout. " I think they also played "Call me." Their outfits had little spikes on top of their hats like the German Army under the kaiser, only sparkly. All of this complemented the architechture of Harrisburg's official buildings which look like they were designed by Mussolini. Harrisburg has bad Chinese food - so be warned.

John L

The best I've heard is the Marche Slav done by a high school band that Ken used to play as a bed, which I can't find on the playlist search. (What's the name of the band?) Just off-key enough, just the right tempo, truly moving.




Love the version of "Beat it"--there's a moment in the first verse where they really find it for a few seconds and you can just hear the confidence level rise.


wow, i love the message from the sponser,,,, but where's the ?? high school cafeteria band?!,, still THE premier school band i reckon,,

Dale Hazelton

When I was tootling my french horn in the high school band we always got on our instructors' case to let us play some hip new music (how many years can you play "Dream"?). He blew part of his budget on the sheet music for the "Bob Newhart Show" theme:

We butchered it and he never indulged us with modern music again.


Dude, if there's one thing to be learned from the seventies, it's that if you make fun of the kids from the Winthrop Free School and they start singing the theme from Billy Jack, then some half breed indian guy is gonna kick yer asses and then be made to feel bad about it later by this chick with ironed blond hair who looks a hella lot like Buffy Saint Marie but somehow isn't...

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