Tom Mason - The Great Soybean Raid of 1981 (3:57)
Mark Rice - My Momma Picks the Hits (3:37)
I have a few tribute songs in my record collection. Some Elvis tributes, even one song about the astronauts in the Challenger explosion. But I had to do an online search to find out what the heck this song was talking about. The song is called "The Great Soybean Raid of 1981", performed by Tom Mason.
In 1981, Wayne Cryts and a goodly amount of fellow farmers went to a grain elevator in Missouri to get what he felt were his soybeans back, while they were in limbo when the elevator he deposited them in went bankrupt.
You can read more details in this page I found that has a 1982 Time Magazine report about the raid.
The song on side 2, "My Momma Picks the Hits", is performed by Mark Rice, the writer of both songs on the 45.
- Contributed by: Sammy Reed
Images: Label
Media: 45rpm 7" single
Label: Mr. Music Records
Catalog: MR-31681
Credits: Both songs written by Mark Rice and produced by Ken Kilgore and Mark Rice
Date: 1981
Wayne cut quite a name for himself in Arkansas during that time. He was the rally cry for farmers throughout the state and for several months was on the news most every night. I had not heard this disc but do own another tribute record released on Alley an Arkansas label that had ties to Country music/X Radio station performer Wayne Raney. Among certain areas of the state you can mention Wayne's name and farmers stand up, remove their hats and sing The Battle Hymm of The Republic.
Posted by: Red Neckerson | August 30, 2007 at 01:27 PM
Thank you so much for posting these songs. I owned this 45 when I was a kid and I wore it out. I haven't heard these songs in 25 years. What a great surprise!
Posted by: Ryan Patrick | January 13, 2008 at 09:11 PM
I'm looking at this again, and for gosh sake: "a goodly amount of fellow farmers"? HUH? Couldn't I have found some other words to use? Anyway...
As the man who made this submission to the project, I hope I can mention this and not be considered "spam" - too much, anyway.
I am planning on bringing back my online show, "Music from the World of the Strange and the Bizarre". Last year, I discontinued the show because I decided I would "grow up", and I got rid of other things too - which turned out to be a more immature decision than things would've been if I just left things alone.
I sold all the 45's in my collection, although I still had a couple of 45's I bought at a flea market that I didn't do anything with. I sold a sizeable chunk of my albums. But looking through my albums now, I found I still have a lot of them. I still have a lot of "soundalike" albums, and quite a few kiddie albums (not the "Star Trek" stories, though). I still have the "Cross and the Switchblade" soundtrack album, and others that I played songs from on the show. I also still have a great deal of my production library albums.
I'm building up another 45 collection, and I'm getting some more albums - including (here's a sneak peek) the Nashville Country Singers gospel album (Yes, the "thunderbolts of long duration" group did a gospel album). I've got a few Bobbi Blake 45's, and for the first time, a couple of Norm Burns 45's!
This time, I hope to do more digging into my collection instead of playing the same 10-or-so songs over again, as I wound up doing after awhile on the first show.
I plan on bringing it back on June 29th. Go to for any other details that may crop up.
Until then, "Go out & make it a great life!"
Posted by: Sammy Reed | June 22, 2013 at 09:47 PM