It really distresses me when crazy people have kids. Here's why: me and you aren't much more than talented apes. We learn things entirely by imitating what we see. Yes, it's critically important that the parent set a good example for his child because a poor example can only breed bad tendencies in the child's fertile yet naive mind. Moreover, we as members of society at large have a responsibility to the youth of America, to shield them from what is vile and fill them with righteous thoughts.
Seriously though, I am concerned about this and I'm particularly concerned about the little girls who you see on the cover of this Oral Constitution record. They look sweet there, but their parents make them participate in fucked up music. And I mean fucked up even by Norwegian standards! Eerily sexual, nightmarishly mystical, gloomy, pounding, angry, demented and hypnotic folk music: sure to produce psychosis in high doses, especially for the young and impressionable - aren't you worried about the future of these little ones now? (Five mp3s follow the jump).
Still, mature songwriters were clearly behind the record; you'll find more than enough good ideas to entertain you throughout this twenty minute EP. Threatening male vocals, darkly seductive female vocals, creepy reverbified little girl's vocals, simple but metaphysically resonant acoustic guitar, ripping distorted electric guitar, mournful cello, spectral birdsong: comparisons to Current 93 and Diamanda Galas make a lot of sense.
Oral Constitution isn't the only awesome band with releases on Germany's Artware Records. De Fabriek, an excellent noisy induistrial group, has several releases. Insane Croatian Futurists SAT Stoicizmo (whom you'll see featured soon on the 365 days project) and caustic droner Schloss Tegal are also in there. I haven't been let down once in my gradual accumulation of their catalog. And good fun for colectors out there too: many of their (largely out of print) releases had very limited pressings with even more limited (and often handmade) artwork. Happy hunting!
thanks for reminding me on this - in my teenie days I've own another CD from oral constitution - and it was really strange music for me in this times...
best marcus
Posted by: marcus | August 23, 2007 at 07:46 AM
oh, this was the CD I've owned - there is another outside "piss preik" as I remember right.
great stuff!!!
Posted by: marcus | August 23, 2007 at 07:53 AM
well, I was going to make an excuse for them, ors say "maybe it's not that bad.".. but after seeing the Artware site, nah.
Posted by: mister caz | August 23, 2007 at 11:01 PM
Baby art.. what will they think of next.
Something tells me this would have never made the air on gks.
creepy creepy
Posted by: bobby cigarette | August 25, 2007 at 09:19 AM