All MP3 and RealAudio links are streaming links from the WFMU archives.
Rock And Roll
Money Money - ???? RealAudio from Music To Spazz By with Dave the Spazz
Asha Bhosle - "Dum Maro Dum" RealAudio from Coffee Break For Heroes & Villains with Noah (filling in for Ken)
Darkstar - "Out of Touch" RealAudio from Mudd Up! with DJ/Rupture
The Tuss - "Last Rushup 10" RealAudio from Maria Levitsky's show
Cerrone - "Supernature" RealAudio from Maria Levitsky's show
Leech Ernowetz - "Bring My Charlie Cup Version2" RealAudio from Diane's Kamikaze Fun Machine
Professor Genius - "Night Games" RealAudio from Nickel and Dime Radio with $mall Change
Rufus Harley - "Love Is Blue" RealAudio from This Is the Modern World with Trouble
Lawrence Casserley / Simon Desorgher - "Music from ColourDome 3" RealAudio from Evan Muse's show
Fave Songs of the Week
Magazine - "Definitive Gaze" RealAudio from Maria Levitsky's show
Susuma Yokota - "Morino Gakudan" RealAudio from This Is the Modern World with Trouble