R Kelly's "Trapped in the Closet" Chapter 13 is now on-line!
IFC is playing a new chapter each day, both on the television, and free at their website.
Will the new chapters match the manic genius of the originals? The new episode is a little less cliffhanger-y and delves into some character development, with mixed results. But you do get R Kelly in that most honored of comedic tools - a fat suit. Who knows where it goes from here...
Oh, and in case you need to catch up, check out Chapters 1-5 played simultaneously - a video mash-up project by Michael Bell-Smith (and recently screened at MoMA).
And while you're at it: check out how R. Kelly writes his hits. "Life is a song...I've got a leash on it now, and I know how to walk it".
I recently listened to the entire thing; an endurance test of epic proportions. That midget is so left field, I just don't know if it's a joke or not. But the real question is: when do we get to hear a Joni Mitchell-esque acoustic cover?
Posted by: Clayton | August 14, 2007 at 02:40 AM
I'm kinda surprised this hasn't gotten more comments, or maybe everyone is burned out on this. The quality of the new chapters is staggering. Chapter 13 = dull. Chapter 14 = very odd and quite "meta". Chapter 15 = zzzzzzz.
On Brian Turner's suggestion, I rented R's Live The Light It Up Tour DVD. Quite amazing. He keeps a sprinting pace up for about 1.5 hours.
Posted by: Woody | August 15, 2007 at 01:04 PM
Agreed...so far. We'll see if it picks up, but so far the "oh shit"-ness of the original just isn't there. I'm going to a special screening tonight of the whole thing...so I can report back on further developments (not that I'll give any plot points away).
Oh, and I just bought the live DVD. Can't wait to watch it.
Posted by: Resident Clinton | August 15, 2007 at 01:47 PM
#18 is slammin'
Posted by: Holland Oats | August 18, 2007 at 11:13 AM