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September 28, 2007


Dale Hazelton

The sad thing is that the vocals aren't much varied, there's no call and response, no solo stars, just everybody singing the same words in the same key at the same time. The dresses are cute, though. And is that Dickie Smothers up on the coach?

Jan Turkenburg

"Since when do we all play in the same key?"

I agree the music would have been so much more interesting if they all had been singing different words in different keys and in different rhythms but these songs just aren't multi-tonal, like with Xenakis or Boulez. Well, if you listen closely, the singing sometimes is out of pitch enough to call it bi-tonal ;-)

I love this record because this obviously is a group of enthusiatic amatures, both band and choir, in fact just not quite good enough, but they pulled it off to release a record with a religious label and to perform for radio and television. The innocent side of the Dutch sixties...

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