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September 18, 2007


Resident Clinton

PS - Bonus points to anyone who can tell me what movie the "Bastard" clip is from. I know, I just ain't telling (yet).


The Bastard clip would be from the same movie that teaches us that "The most beautiful thing in the world is smoking pot and fucking on a waterbed at the same time"



It's not a game of "who can spank Chuck E.." No? BASTARD!

Mr. Microphone

I am having my name legally changed to "Mr. Microphone" (maybe my first name will be "Ronco").


Always bring a towel? It's too macabre....


OK, i give...what's the name of the "BASTARD!!!" movie? hope it's available, i wanna see the whole thing.


hahaha, so that mr. microphone ad wasn't just on the simpsons!

Resident Clinton

The "Bastard" clip is indeed from the Spanish B-horror film Pieces starring Lynda Day George. Here's another scene, watch to the end to experience the whole absurdity.

"Hey, it's my kung fu professor!"

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