Black Sabbath
For those of you who've forgotten how good they really were.
Clearly he attended the above concert.
Make Your Own Mellotron
If you don't who will?
I'll wait for the video to hit YouTube before I sign on to attack the Death Star.
Allows you to view selections from Flickr in spinning 3-D. Neato.
Shepard Fairey
Reports on the lasting effects of the "Andre the Giant has a Posse" campaign
E-Cards for Realistic Occasions
Such as aplogies: ("Sorry I accidentally CC:ed you on an email insulting you"), or dating ("I genuinely enjoy any activity in which you bend over".)
Free Stock Images
Keep the monkey off your back. And your blog.
This month's links were sent in by Bryce, Irene Trudel, Bill Zurat, and the editor.
"homemade mellotron" reminds me ot eh legendary "birotron" which could have been a cool machine if the builders hadn't made one fatal design flaw. I know there was a guy who made an actual "full sized" melltron out of walkmans a few years ago, very admirable.
Posted by: illlich | October 05, 2007 at 11:39 AM
Black Sabbath were incredibly good. Its a shame that a lot of people choose to ignore this fact.
People who are so quick to tarnish their legacy that they post a clip of Ozzy as a solo artist with Jake E Lee playing guitar and mislabel it as Black Sabbath....
Posted by: DanO | October 05, 2007 at 02:18 PM
> Black Sabbath were incredibly good. Its a shame that a lot of people choose to ignore this fact.
It is a shame. It's a real shame. Borderline tragedy.
Posted by: Oh, Comedy | October 05, 2007 at 03:36 PM
that sabbath reimagining is genius
Posted by: Holland Oats | October 06, 2007 at 09:08 AM
That was a funny overdub, I have to admit. All that guitar god posing and Ozzy carrying on like a drunk idiot. Oh wait, he probably was.
That being said, I've seen old videos of Sabbath in their prime and they kicked ass with all 10 toes.
It makes you wonder how many other legends would have faded a bit if they had managed to not get themselves killed (insert dead rock icon here).
Posted by: Gern Blansten | October 07, 2007 at 11:36 AM
That "sabbath" video is hilarious, the juxtaposition of the stock guitar moves with ridiculous sloppy nonsense playing is perfect. One of my friends didn't get the joke, thought that was the original audio. ouch.
Posted by: illlich | October 07, 2007 at 05:07 PM
The sabbath video was done by a guy who has a bunch of other guitarists "shredding" on his youtube page.
Posted by: Mr. Snrub | October 08, 2007 at 12:48 PM
The final results of the X-Wing launch
Posted by: Mickey Mephistopheles | October 10, 2007 at 10:48 PM