Last April, WFMU kicked off its Free Music Concert series with an absolutely dynamite show at Brooklyn's Southpaw starring DJ /rupture, Flaming Fire, Jonathan Kane's February, and the Major Stars.
Last month, we were delighted to offer up the first fruits of that show in downloadable form, as Flaming Fire gave us some of their tracks from the night.
Last week, I enjoyed the exquisite thrill of spending a few hours in musical bliss with Jonathan Kane, mixing a song from his band's performance at that savage hoedown back in April, which we offer you now.
Jonathan Kane's February, "Pops" (mp3, 15 holy megs) - live at Southpaw in Park Slope Brooklyn, April 28 2007 as part of WFMU's Free Music Concert Series. "Pops" being Pops Staples, of course.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Briefly, Jonathan Kane busted out in '82 as the original/founding drummer for Michael Gira's groundbreaking downtown NYC noiseniks Swans. From there it was off to Rhys Chatham's guitarmies and support for LaMonte Young's more rockist tendencies. Lately Jonathan's dusted off the field snare for pounding sets with Dave Soldier's Kropotkins,
and become a bandleader himself, as the drumming leader of his very own
micro-guitarmies. A nicer guy in rock and roll you're unlikely to meet
- here's more accolades on this very blog: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Elsewhere, here's Jonathan on myspace
Here's Jonathan describing the beginning, and end, of his time with Swans in Mojo mag, over at Gira's Young God label site.