Certainly without doubt Pseu and Bronwyn would have played the new Britney Spears CD unquestioningly had I put it in the station library's New Bin, though unfortunately WFMU was left off the promo list for that one. Kind of disappointing, as maybe some FMU attention could help get Brit back on the cultural map (in a good way). Though truth be told, just from my experience here, I couldn't see a lot of our staff pulling that one from the bin for their shows. But, had I burned a copy, placed it in an esoteric-looking CDR sleeve and retitled it Anna Elektronische, on an obscure looking label called Doomplatten, would others play it? Yes. In defense, Blackout has some of the production you'd expect on a modern-day Berlin electronic diva's work: phasing, minimalist beats, synth/vocordered up druggy vox. The sleeve itself came from a band called Olakranon (which was pretty OK in its own right), whom I thank for allowing me to conduct my experiment, and thank you to the DJs who were participants. Liz Berg forwarded an email to me after she played it on air, amazingly sent in by a promotions company that does mass mailings to college radio, wondering how they could get in touch with Doomplatten to help get this artist out into public awareness. I responded, offering up 50 of Anna's CDRs in homemade sleeves that they could easily distribute to radio if they wanted. But then I 'fessed up, feeling guilty if the poor guy was gonna spend money on this project. But I do think some grassroots promo does need to be done on Spears' behalf. Besides, in two years, I don't think it would be completely unrealistic to expect Brit to put out a song called "Nazi Ha Ha Wha." Real Audio from Ken's show: "Ha".
altho i have to say, the Olekranon cdrs are pretty neat too... especially cause the last 2 they sent me mention my own radio show in the liner notes (?!?!)
Posted by: paul simpson | November 28, 2007 at 08:41 PM
Posted by: Tony | November 29, 2007 at 03:32 PM
You should have had "Jerzy Kosinski" write the liner notes:
Posted by: Hell's Donut House | November 29, 2007 at 05:46 PM
I seem to recall unknowingly calling Brian out on this in the comments when Liz dropped Anna Elektronische the first time.
Posted by: Doug | November 30, 2007 at 10:52 AM
Thanks for defacing my cd cover! Pretty funny idea, happy to contribute.
Posted by: Ryan/Olekranon | December 01, 2007 at 11:28 AM
That is really funny! And the cuts really aren't horrible.
The track on Michael Goodstein's show found at http://wfmu.org/playlists/shows/25258 called "what" can be found the time 2:46:50 if anyone is curious. (It's the only one of the four that doesn't have timestamps.)
Posted by: Rebecca Lewis | December 02, 2007 at 12:31 PM
im just curious ,,,is there any chance that this blog is connected to the one you are speaking about ?? im really hoping not ,,
thanks for your time
Posted by: jimmy murphy | May 19, 2008 at 06:05 PM
hi ,,just wondering ,,is this the forbidden blog you are talking about http://britneyitsbritneybitch.blogspot.com/?? im hoping it isnt !!!
Posted by: jimmy murphy | May 19, 2008 at 06:08 PM