UPDATE: There are three, count 'em, three winners in the Rudy Remix Contest! My own choice is Mr. Fab for his Wake Me Up When September 11 Ends (MP3). I also opened up voting on my last Wednesday morning slot, and the listener's votes were tied between two very excellent entries, Miguelito Contraband's Gold Plated 9-11 Diapers, and Gary Lambert's Revolution No 9/11. All will receive a personalized WFMU crate ' swag. Thanks to everybody else who submitted so many great tracks!
Here's over two minutes of wall to wall September Eleventh's, courtesy of America's mayor. Your mission: turn some or all of them into music, to be reposted here. The best one received by December 5th wins a WFMU Messenger Bag full of CDs and other assorted swag. (I edited this version from a video collage made by Ben Craw of talkingpointsmemo.com)
Send your submissions to me at ken at wfmu dot org, but if they are larger than 8 megs, please post them somewhere and send me the URL. I will post all submissions here.
There are two versions for you to choose from, an MP3 and an uncompressed WAV file. The audio on both files are identical. Have Fun! And don't forget - September Eleventh.
Rudy Giuliani September Eleven Collage MP3
Rudy Giuliani September Eleven Collage WAV
UPDATE 1: Here's our first round of submissions - and yes, you can enter as many times as you like!
Tommy Mackay - Can September 11 ("Here's one of the ones I did yesterday, mixing Rudy with Suzi Quatro)
DJ Wild Bill - Believe In Rudy (Carjack Remix) ("...mixed Tupac Shakur, Shania Twain, the Monkees, Queen, Boys II Men, LeAnn Rimes, and Rudy Giulliani with Broadway tunes from "Phantom Of The Opera" and
Keith Karagan - Eleven Rudy Nine September ("rock <9-11> the <9-11> vote!")
Jazz Kissingers - Blues In September ("The rhythm of "September 11" sounded like "My Momma Done Told Me", so I did this little fantasy here.")
Adnoisium - SeptEl ("after the initial Rudy clip I sample Flava Flav from the PE song "911 is a joke". Now I don't mean this to imply that the tragedy and loss of 9/11 are a joke,but rather that Rudy's constant mention of it is.")
Sick To The Back Teeth - C Major Nineth Sharp 11th
Stereofect - Rudy Giuliani 911 Remix ("It's a David Tudor type mix with a nod to William S. Burroughs.
Why?... because life... is... a cut up...")
UPDATE 2: Here are seven more Rudy Remixes - please keep 'em coming at ken at wfmu dot org. You can use any audio materials in your mix whatsoever, and as little Rudy audio as you like, as long as he's there invoking you-know-what somewhere.
Miguelito Contraband - Gold Plated 9-11 Diapers ("Mash-up of Guliani, Christopher Walken as Bruce "More Cowbell" Dickinson, and Greyboy's Smokescreen")
Weird Al Qaidawww - Cockroach
Doug Wyatt - Talking Points (Note that this track is an audio MP4 file, not an MP3) ("In 2004, someone made a video remix of speeches from the Republican National Convention, including Giuliani saying "September 11." That video made the rounds on the net but I'm unable to attribute it. Not long afterwards I composed a piece of music out of it. Last year I spent about half an hour in Final Cut Express combining the original video with my music. So while this does not fall within the parameters of your contest, I
thought nonetheless that you'd enjoy it.")
Adnoisium - N Dats What Happen ("I've decided to submit (at least) one more entry: This time i used the samples more as an instrument, and as such there's less of a political agenda. The feel is also different
because this time I used 8-bit instrumentation.")
Arratik - Null ("All of the sound in this track except for the drums was derived from the source file. I used a circuit-bent Casio SK-10 at the beginning, and the synth tone you hear in the latter 2/3rds was created by loading a 2 millisecond sample into Ableton Live's Sam pler instrument and transposing it to match middle C. The weird droning that continues into the fadeout is the tail end of what happened when I took a 1.5 second sample of Giuliani saying "since September 11th" and stretched it out to over four minutes. The whole thing was assembled and rendered in Ableton Live.")
Jamie Clay - Rudy's Song
Mike Stark - Rudy, The One Trick Pony
UPDATE 3: Here's ten more. Some really good ones in here. Someone should take Lee Rosevere's slowed down "September 11" and use the different parts of it as the musical tones for another remix!
TZA - MasterG
Token Wonder - Open Your Mind
Lee Rosevere - September 11 ("Heres my submission: one utterance of "September 11" by Rudy G, slowed down to...9 mins and 11 secs (clever, no?) Kenny G should love it.")
Adnoisium - Gooble Gobble Nine Eleven ("The title is all meant to be said in the same rhythm. The end clip (as well as the on going background clip) from Tod Brownings "Freaks" came about because of the Guiliani quote "...I'm one of them.")
Tommy McKay - Talk About September 11 ("Here's today's mix, Talk About September 11, featuring Ray Parker Jnr, M, and Nat King Cole.")
Tommy McKay - Rudy Cant Fail To Mention September Eleventh
Multi-Panel - Got To Know Her
Norelpref - Leaven Happens
Frank Panucci - 911 Rudy Pooty Duty
Nick Archer - Rudy September 11
UPDATE 4: Hold onto your hats, here are 21 more Rudy Remixes - 19 audio submissions and two video entries, and as usual, this batch contains some real gems! The entries are coming fast and furious now so I'm going to extend the contest deadline to Thursday night at Midnight, EDT.
RIAA - Wake Me Up When September 11 Ends (MP3)
Gary Lambert - Revolution No 9/11 (MP3)
Donnie Bobb / Gene Jacket - Rudys 911 (MP3)
The TZA - RudyXXX (MP3)
Puppies Hold Hands - Return Of Rudy Reagan (MP3)
Rokhausen - One For Each Hand (MP3)
Adam O - ACCEPTember11 (MP3)
Adnoisium - 911 Party Attack (MP3)
Adnoisium - 911 or STINKtember EWleven (MP3)
Carter Maness - Jacques Derrida 911 Remix (MP3)
Michael Weins - Rudy's Favorite Day (MP3)
Norelpref - Sept Timbre (MP3)
Norelpref - Bye Bye So Long (MP3)
Tommy Mackay - When September Ends (MP3)
Trifocal - Invoking Rudi (MP3)
DJ Little Foot - Rudy Talkin' (MP3)
John Slaney - Rudy's Mantra (MP3)
Rothbell - Contest Entry (M4A files - will work in iTunes)
Video submissions:
From Alexander: 3+3+3=9(11) (streaming video from a Giuliani campaign video contest!)
From Stallio! - September Eleven Mentality (youtube link)
UPDATE 5: Here's the final batch of entries into the Rudy Remix Contest. I'll be announcing the winner on the air at 1145am on Wednesday, December 12th.
fatty jubbo - rudy oh rudy
The Haunted Pussy - Rudy Remix
Clayton Counts - Blood
Clayton Counts - Pennies from Eleven
Rob W - Rudy Rocks The Casbah
Mrs Fab - Here He Goes Again
Adnoisium - 9-1-1
Adnoisium - IX-XI
Billy Jam - Sept Eleven Remix
Campbell Payne - It's Always 9-11 (M4A file)
dj meq - the post september period
Puppies Hold Hands - Rudy Remix
Little Foot - Rudy Talkin
Touching You - Giuliani Remix Pt2