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December 08, 2007



God, please bring 365 days back again.

I remember Rhino back in these days and without 365 I would be bereft of this old Rhino.

365 is full of greatness. Don't let it end. I will even toss in a few days of Mp3 if needed.

Though I'm sure WFMU will do better than me.

More 365!


I love Jewish humour like this. I used to love listening to "Be True to Your Shul" and songs by Gefilte Joe and the Fish on Dr. Demento's radio show. Any chance you could also post "Hanukah Rocks" by Gefilte Joe? I think that record was released on a 6 pointed star shaped vinyl. I would love hearing "The International Elvis Impersonators Convention" too.


I remember the Yiddish People... "Kosher Delight" was the second track on Dr. Demento's "Dementia Royale," one of the tapes I grew up listening to over and over.

Dr. Benway

Oh wow! I asked for the World's Worst Records, and I asked for Kosher Club, and you wonderful people brought me both! You have no idea how indebted I feel for all of this!

Dr. Benway

Oh! I have the International Elvis Impersonators Convention, I could digitize it for you

Gary Lambert

Having grown up with Mickey Katz' great send-ups of pop hits of the 50s, this sort of thing is right up my alley. One of my faves has always been "Noshville Katz" by the Lovin' Cohens -- which, by odd coincidence, I found on YouTube just the other day, after not having heard it for decades (alas, there is no footage of the song actually being performed. The only visual is the label of the 45).
It can be found at:


Oh be still my beating heart! This is going to stand as one of the great posts of this entire series. "Fairfax Avenue" -- who knew that Los Angeles had a Jewish nabe? And it must be next to Chinie on the map . . .

Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto

Nice find. I would also like to point out that the artist for the "Fairfax Avenue" parody was sometimes credited to Oy George & The Kosher Club. I remember seeing this on a forum about song parodies of one-hit wonders. Am I correct about this?

The Swill Man

Nope- Fairfax Avenue is "by" Gefilte Joe and the Fish, just as the credits say. "Kosher Club" is exclusively the title of the EP.

And to Dr. Benway- please get me some MP3's of the Elvis Impersonator's Convention! I'd love to hear that one.

Count Stragula

great stuff!!
i had to play 2 songs in our radio show!
verrry funny!
count stragula


I found this record at a house sale in Maale Adumim. Being as I host a Jewish music show in Israel I was both excited to find it and appalled by it's stupidity. Thank you for saving me the trouble to converting it to mp3!

Nick the Bard

Looks like Fairfax Avenue was credited to Oy George on the Bizarre Music Television video (put out by rhino even)


Could you please post "Matzo Man?"

Jane Knight

Why hasn't there been a tribute band of Culture Club called Kosher Club? Their first single should be "Do You Really Wanna Hit Me With Your Best Shot?" (also a tribute to Pat Benatar).

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