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December 30, 2007



More great religious nonsense from the camp of Gary S. Paxton. These tracks are as blissed out on bless as Paxton's "The Big 'A'= The Big 'M'" was fundamentally shocking and terrifying. Fortunately, all his songs are also, at least to this listener, funny as (dare I say it?) hell. Thanks for posting them.


Hey! I've got this album. It is filed away next to "All my Friends Are Dead" and "Flight F-I-N-A-L." Further proof that we are all going to the same place when we die.

Tricky Mr. Fox

Any possibility of anyone posting links to good music coming out of the Christian bookstore market, rather than just ironic material? I know it's out there, but I don't have the means to wade through it, and it's been a long time since I've been inside of the culture...

cedric the Shovel

Anti religious pinheads are almost as annoying as religious pinheads...

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