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December 03, 2007



Just this morning, I was checking out the samples for that new Fire on Fire release, and was shocked by how much it reminded me of Big Blood. This pretty much explains it. Now I feel obligated to buy that YG release. I really adored their Strange Maine release (played a track of theirs on one of my podcasts months ago), so it seems like a pretty safe bet.

Oddly enough, coincidence keeps guiding me towards Colleen and Caleb's work. I first received Strange Maine as consolation for a botched order at the normally spectacular Tomentosa Records. Now, when encountering a sample reminiscent of their Big Blood project via an AnimalPsi posting, leaving me curious, I come to check out the WFMU blog and find an unintentional cure for my curiosity.

I really appreciate the detailed overview of their career. I haven't had time to dig into their work, and so knew nothing about their previous work and solo output. The video is especially appreciated, and obviously the new tracks as well. Definitely keep my eyes on AnimalPsi for news of their upcoming releases.


Great band, Scott. We owe a bucketload of gratitude to Mr. Thurston Hunger at KFJC who steered those kidz into WFMU's mailbox several months ago.


was that can ref s'posed to link us to a big blood cover of said song? cuz if it does, colleen is a japanese guy.


ding is awesome - somewhere, peter jefferies is muttering to himself...

Matthew Bass Little-Farmer

I am from Maine and live in South Portland. Thank you so much for the great post and beautiful video. These people are just as wonderful as they seem. I am often wary about people from away finding out about our state. The NY Times' "The City To Good To Be True"(about Portland) type articles are a good example of what I'm talking about, also people who move here because they love Steve King's books. But these guys deserve to be known everywhere.

Scott M

This stuff is fantastic. Thanks for posting, Scott. Worth checking out this ILM thread for some good info on Visitations & Garm.


God I love Maine. Nothing like this in Ireland. Althought there is at least one Snack and Sandwich Reenactment Society, which is what it says and not a band. Thanks!

Chance From That Third World Country Maine

> I am from Maine and live in South Portland. Thank you so much for the great post and beautiful video. These people are
> just as wonderful as they seem. I am often wary about people from away finding out about our state. The NY Times' "The
> City To Good To Be True"(about Portland) type articles are a good example of what I'm talking about, also people who move > here because they love Steve King's books. But these guys deserve to be known everywhere.

Let people move here. Maine sucks so much, that the mayor of South Portland is proposing secession.


Thanks so much Scott. I tracked down Big Blood and bought two CDs, and they are great, though my favorite is Strange Maine.


I just received the Fire On Fire cd from YGR. What a gorgeous piece of "breathing" music. Like Big Blood, every moment, every spontaneous note shares an
understated importance. The production is amazing on the Young God release, yet I am still fond of the four track, self production quality on the Asian Mae
and Big Blood releases. There is something interesting about the various levels, room volumes...and a police siren driving by outside the house during a
recording seems to fit in so perfectly. Thanks for the link to the live Pipeline gig! I burned it to cd and have been playing it constantly in the car. Sorry! I've
been dissing WFMU! Besides the long, cold winters, what's in the water in Portland that could make a group of people so prolific at creating such diverse, great
music? Some sort of psycho-tropic glacial ice melt feed...

Patrick W. Nelson

Beautiful music!! Hope to find your CD sometime to play at my Hippie vintage shop/book-music store. This is my first time tuning into WFMU, you are great. Obscuriosities Retro, 720 East 4th St., Duluth MN 55805


please for that new Fire on Fire release, and was shocked by how much it reminded me of Big Blood. This pretty much explains it. Now I feel obligated to buy that YG release. I really adored their Strange Maine release it good....
Maine Treatment Centers

Mike Ferrucci

After years of living in Los Angeles reminded me what true "artists" really are. Inspirational,brilliant, dense, beautiful, hypnotic, hearbreaking music. Miles and miles beyond what so called pop and rock stars are spewing out on a daily basis. The world needs Big Blood, whether they are ready for them or not


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