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January 30, 2008


Bastien DK


Have an ear on Sylvester Staline's, "I drive drunk to smash cop kids", one minute of pure Northern French Hardcore.


this makes my grim morning! as for making the bus death count 20 instead of 27, just flows better, man. screw those other 7 kids. all that rhymes with seven is heaven, and using that rhyme in a song about dead kids is just old hat.

just john

You're forgetting Nervous Norvus' "Transfusion"!

I took the liberty of recording an a capella version:

(I emailed that to Kenny G last year or so.)


I guess that Jimmy Martin's classic "Widowmaker" would probably belong in a whole other type of post of exclusively truck driving accident songs? Not quite so grisly, but good stuff anyhow.


Another great Stonewall Jackson piece of roadkill, dear to all our hearts, is "B.J. The D.J." His momma always turned on the radio to know BJ made it to work OK. Hear it here

Scott Anger

no ID3 tags on these? really? you couldn't be bothered? what good is it going to do me when one of these tracks comes on randomly and all i have in the artist/album fields is "Unknown". c'mon now.

Author's reply: This wasn't deliberate laziness on my part. The sad truth is I've never heard of ID3 tags. Maybe I can figure out a way to be less substandard next time.


These are great, but a lot of the files are cut-off.


and let's not forget "Last Kiss" by Wayne Cochran


You left out Bruce Springsteen's "Wreck on the Highway", which is a revised (and much spookier) version of Roy Acuff's song. Not really country, but he's listened to a lot of old country and it shows.

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